Please wake me up when women are proud of themselves,
Wake me up when they are proud of their bodies,
Wake me when they walk with pride with their natural hair,
Please wake me up,

Wake me, wake me up,
Wake me up when they use make up to enhance their beauty not change who they are,
Wake me up when they stop caring about what others say,
Wake me up when they are not ashamed of their sloppy natural breasts,
Please do.

Wake me up when they don’t see their bodies as failure,
Wake me up when they stop saying “I am too fat”, “I am too thin”
Wake me up when they have accepted how they were created,
Wake me up when they stop caring about the society,
I am begging you please wake me up!

Wake me up when they are proud of their curves,
Wake me up when they are proud of their flat ass,
Wake me up when they can wear anything they want to wear,
and walk with their heads held high,
Wake me up when they stop being afraid of uniqueness,
when they stop fearing being different,
Please wake me up.

I’ll be up only when this happens,
Please wake me up.