I was an outcast, beaten for no reason, shouted at for no reason.
I began hating myself
As if that wasn’t enough, everyone faded away.

I was always in a corner, feeling sorry for myself.
My mind was full of thoughts, like everyone has left me,
I’m just bad for them

For weeks, months, no one checked up on me,
My friends dealt with their own things.
All I said to myself was the world won’t stop
And start revolving around me

I was hurt in pain
The only place left was family,
My family wanted to rule me, tell me to do this and that,
I couldn’t. They cast me away.

There I was, alone in pain.
Every conversation I had was between me and me,
But still I encouraged myself

Asked myself, what is pain?
Is this “pain” powerful?
Powerful enough to pull me down?
No I am strong, I am strong
That is why through all I still stand,
Pain made me strong.