I believed in you and I never doubted you with anything.
I heard through the grapevine that you were
Romantically in love with another man
And my heart refused to acknowledge
Or to process the rumour,
Because I was head over heels in love with you.

I came up with a devil’s advocate
And you confirmed everything.
You knew my heart was fragile and I begged you
With every inch of my soul not to paralyse it.
Your friend used to let the cat out of the bag
But I believed you over her.

I gave you every piece of my heart and in return,
You gave me nothing.
I trusted you with all my heart and in return,
You slapped it with your hand.
Just because you had my heart in the palm of your hand,
Didn’t mean you should do whatever you please with it.
You impregnated my mind with seeds of sadness,
Buried my soul with your cold twisted lies.
I’m still obfuscated, why would you cheat on someone
You don’t want to lose with someone
You don’t want to keep.
I just don’t know you anymore nor understand you.