The east I look upon the sun when it shines
I think of the ‘s’ in the sunshine which reminds me of
your sassy name

Mr S from the south
I flow with the river from the north to the south and
what I love is the ‘s’ in the sweet slide to the south
sweet rivers of your love

Mr S from the south
in your direction I look and I see happiness wherever
you are because the ‘s’s in happiness are many, which
reminds me of how long your silly talks can make me

Mr S from the south
You kiss and I never tell
I vow to love you forever through your kisses, because
the ‘s’s in the kisses are many and can keep us going till the everlasting end

Mr S from the south
Your love is very strong and because the south shines
from the sun
what I love is the ‘s’s in everything about you.