A closed letter to my crush,
Or better yet, the one I’ve grown to love.
In here I pour out my heart,
Knowing you’ll never read it out
and by me that’s what I want.
The reason for this is simply because
I don’t want you to love me out of pity,
But don’t get this wrong,
It’s not a letter filled with desperation.
Speaking truly, you’re what I want
And as each day goes past,
I keep longing to be in your arms
I’ve never met you, but you’ve seen me from afar
You don’t tell me “You’re beautiful”,
You tell me my mind and heart are gorgeous
“You’re not like other guys”, I’d like to say
But I won’t belittle your brothers to compliment you
So to me, you’re a completely different different
I wonder what it was that brought me to you and you to me?
Thank God for social media
Now I shall buy ice cream for my friend
Because through her I met you, and through you I met the best version of myself
Somewhere in all this life,
I never thought I could love again
Your approach was different
I can tell you planned it out
Because you know better than to look like a fool to a total sapiosexual
Now you wanted to know, but broken at the time was I
So I shut you all out
I thought you’d leave, but to my surprise you stayed
And that’s when I knew, to give you a try
So I opened up, and whenever I cried
You’d dry my tears with your laugh
And I’d join in too
You wanted to know me before you made a move
And through every aspect of my life you did
I got to know you through these intermediate midnight texts
For busy bees during the day we are
But you’ve never left without saying “Good night”
Now October 06, 2020
Truly changed life for me
You expressed the solenoids of love you had towards me
And I found it hard to do the same
Because I thought of what happened with my last
So I tried to save my heart from breaking once again
Though I truly regretted it
But I know you know how I feel
because of our friend who can’t keep her mouth shut
Now to tell you the truth I am afraid
To label whatever’s going on between us
Because I fear if we break each other’s hearts
That I’ll lose the friend I’ve grown to love
I don’t want us to be strangers
So, Kelebogile, bear with me
I love you, but we’re two worlds of Fire and Ice
And I don’t want us to burn each other out
A chance I’ll surely give you now
But don’t ask me yet how
Because I’m just not ready, yet