May bargain with seconds,
So they come to pass and still arrive
Back to your site untarnished?
Or to close my eyes for a moment
And still have your presence echo volumes
To my heart,
That’s if you promise not to banish.

May I bargain with seconds,
So they come to pass and still arrive
Back to your site undiminished?
Eternal claim to artwork that bears
An image which befits that
Of a winged celestial being

May I live and be my true self
Around you,
Without having to oversee the plight
Of my imperfect traits?
To live unbound by what if’s ,
Those of which if not realized
Can tell tales of our love’s demise.

My imagination may be affiliated
With the mismanaged thoughts of an unsound mind,
To scare away the only person who my
Apparently inarticulate soul sticks around for.
But let my plea gain courage
To beg spiritual assurance to your heart,
Without denouncing insecurity to a now
Doubtful soother of my soul…

May I cover my eyes till the sun
Sets on its journey towards dawn, and
Trust you not to fade?
May I?