It’s not my fault, I was angry wasn’t I?
I was scared or maybe I was upset?
no I wasn’t either of those I was just tired
we all know, we all know right? I’m not crazy
I’m just not normal, I’m just not ordinary.
What was stopping him from loving me
if he just did I wouldn’t have done what
I did I just wanted him to love me back
was that too much to ask?
If he just loved me I wouldn’t have tied
him in this chair and made him love me by
force, why was it so hard for him to just say a word.
See I’m not crazy it’s just people they don’t listen if he did
maybe I wouldn’t have maybe…
You know this was easy, say one stupid word
Just one and then we get married right then and
there then everything is good but you know he has
to make things hard so it’s my fault that I lost it?
No I didn’t lose it I’m not crazy remember I’m just…
I’m just not normal
See I don’t like people who say no to me
I tend to lose it, no not lose it, but I just become
extraordinary. Whatever I say goes and if you don’t do what I say
we’ll have a problem, people say I’m crazy but
I’m just…I’m just not normal.
I don’t get why don’t you understand that I hate
people who tell me I’m wrong or go against me
for that even in school there was this kid who
didn’t want to be my friend so I just lost it, no not
lost it I’m not crazy remember, I just got tired so I tied
her to a tree and left her there. I just don’t get it what
was the big deal just be my friend but no she had
to be so hard.
My parents said I must go to see a counsellor
to get some consoling so I did I just wanted to
show them that I’m not crazy, so that lady was
writing everything I said so that pissed me off
I asked her what is she writing and that she must stop ‘cause
it pisses me off but she didn’t so I just lost it, no I didn’t lose it
I’m not crazy remember I just got tired so I burned the whole building
she was working in with her inside.
I’m not asking for much but for people to understand me
just don’t go against me and do whatever I say or else I’m gonna
lose it, no not lose it I’m not crazy remember I’m just…I’m just not normal.