He was kind
He ensured that
Everyone kept in mind
Not only things that were his
But also of others
He taught me to smile
When greeting adults
We were never vile
With respect
He ensured that it stayed
Within us
But this is sad
I don’t see him any more
I heard he is dead
Things will only get worse
As he was the one who brought peace
Now people will diss
On each other’s problems
Who killed Ubuntu?
Oh now I remember
The new generation
Has killed Ubuntu
They murdered him
They killed him
Saying he was old
He wouldn’t understand
The new vibes
Saying he will
Cramp their style
They killed him
With their attitude
When responding rudely
To their parents
They murdered him
By facing away
When the adult
Was coming their way
To avoid greeting
The amount of
Gender-based violence
Would not have been increasing
We would live a life that is pleasant
One with a problem
Would have been helped
Not been mocked
Only if Ubuntu was alive