The world has finally embraced its darkened side that sojourns In
Obscurity as abomination and defilement
Besiege the surface of the earth.
Only in darkness, see the blind,
The mute suddenly finds a voice to speak his unthinkable
Intentions, only in high courts of plots and betrayals,
The deaf only hears his catastrophic and evil thoughts
That nourish his soul that lays in abandon of comprehension
The wise man has turned his wisdom into whoredom as malice has overruled
His tongue!
Daughters have banalized their mothers’ teachings as they have thrown away
The calabashes that they have confided in them, which were
Emblems, embodiments of crowns of value and dignity
That were sat upon the foundation of their mentality!
Today, the pride of the young lady has been exposed, even to the incognito,
As it’s no longer a mystery to the old man!
Long ago, I heard that bravery and boldness were the best friends of a woman.
They stood beside her, whenever she exerted her influence in speaking
Her unspoken words! They were her guardians when love slept on,
The bed of her heart when sincerity was a shoulder for her to cry on,
As humility and strength helped her to fight and conquer mighty battles
Including the heart of a man!
Wisdom made her the most beautiful creature of all, it made her walk
Through precious stones, but today she walks in the midst of thorns
As she has forsaken and lost these virtues.
Only our fathers witnessed the existence of such virtues!
But then, what happens to us, their descendants?
Are we that cursed to inherit materialist women?
Women who are beside us, only when their interests are to be satisfied,
Women who no more look up to lift a man’s moral in times of discouragement,
Women who have worn out natural beauty to fit in the world of cosmetic
Competition which clothes them with an artificial beauty which has made
Men’s eyes weary!
But, sometimes I question my soul that still lies in obscurity concerning
This matter, if one day, we will be able to fit in the shoes of our fathers
And portray women the way they did, in their time? If not, then surely
There was a transition of eras!
But if only we could write them letters from the new era…
Surely their tears would have filled the oceans up as women have taken
Out their loincloths by forsaking value and dignity
As men have become so irresponsible that the mentality of women
Is being led in whoredom!
But, where are all the virtuous women our fathers spoke to us about?
Have they all put their machetes back in their baskets and run to their fields
Or have they all vanished from the surface of the earth?
I do think so, as this modern world made no accommodation for them
As they perceived the abomination, coming in at speed upon the earth!
Oh, great ones, please do find
An exclamation mark to all these questions marks!