INT: Night time, Palesa is lying on her bed in her room. 21:00
Palesa dials Karabo’s number and calls her. Karabo’s phone is ringing after a short while she picks up
Karabo’s audio through Palesa’s phone
KARABO: Palesa Masango
PALESA: Karabo Moloi
Karabo’s audio through Palesa’s phone
KARABO: (sarcastic) What do I owe the pleasure of you calling me. You’ve been MIA for the last few days
PALESA: (excited) I know, I know, I’ve been as busy as a bee, collecting sweet information
Karabo’s audio through Palesa’s phone
KARABO: Okay, what kind of information is that? I hope you not back to your old tricks Palesa
PALESA: Come on Karabo, why you always assume the worst of me
Karabo’s audio through Palesa’s phone
KARABO: Because whenever you have information to share with me it’s always not so good information
PALESA: Well, trust me this one will be worth your while. I swear the universes has opened a new door for me, like a door of paradise, a place of milk and honey
Karabo’s audio through Palesa’s phone
KARABO: (anxious) Palesa you’re scaring me right now
PALESA: (brushing it off) Don’t worry chomie, just trust in me
Karabo’s audio through Palesa’s phone
KARABO: (uneasy sigh) Okay, so what’s this information all about?
PALESA: I won’t share TMI, but it has something to do with what you said to me the day I was sent to detention
Karabo’s audio through Palesa’s phone
KARABO: (worried) Wait…. Wait a minute, so you’re saying I contributed to the shenanigans you are about to tell me?
PALESA: Yes, basically, you did enlighten me with the ideal you planted in my head. My friend, I was able to do a little research, well not a little, more like extensive research and after digging under the dirt I found treasure
Karabo’s audio through Palesa’s phone
Short pause from Karabo
KARABO: (anxious) What treasure?
PALESA: I cannot tell you over the phone, but all I can say is that it is exciting news, bet on it
Karabo’s audio through Palesa’s phone
KARABO: (worried) Ohh Lord, what did I do now? Are you planning a revenge plan to get Mrs Van De Kerk for sending you to detention?
PALESA: No…. but thanks to her I was able to come up with this plan
Karabo’s audio through Palesa’s phone
KARABO: (anxiously guessing) Is it about your crush KG, it is, right?
PALESA: I wish it was, but no
Karabo’s audio through Palesa’s phone
KARABO: (annoyed) Is it about Thembalethu and their lavish lifestyle?
PALESA: Ahh chomie, give up already. My lips are sealed. I won’t say a word or even drop a hint because I will ruin the surprise
Karabo’s audio through Palesa’s phone
KARABO: Agh… booredddd. Come on Palesa, please release me from this misery, just spill the bean because my anxiety levels are on a 1000 right now
PALESA: No, no, no child, you need to be patient
Karabo’s audio through Palesa’s phone
KARABO: (anxious) okay…. whe
PALESA: (interject Karabo) Put this on your calendar tomorrow, afterschool, my place, (singing) do not be late, bye….
(Palesa hangs up)