At the reception hall, just close to the main table where the groom and the bride are seated, stands Dr Maropeng holding a mic, ready to deliver her speech. 

DR MAROPENG: (Clearing her throat) Thank you to the MC for giving me an opportunity to share what’s in my heart for our lovely couple… My daughter of course, and her new husband, the CEO of Mabaso holdings, which of course will soon be M&M holdings. (Turning towards the main table) My children, marriage is no child’s play, it requires communication, sacrifice, patients, understanding and…

Sharenda barges in shouting, wearing her pajamas and fluffy slippers.

SHARENDA: Honesty! It also needs honesty and trust! Something that Bayanda lacks!

MME MOKOENA: (Nudging her daughter and whispering) Now who do we have here looking like a zombie, dressed like that. Nightwear and slippers at the wedding, really? Must have had a wrong memo. I love the drama though! The she devil in front has not yet been embarrassed enough. Otherwise she would’ve been humble by now.

GOITSIMANG: Iyoh ayi Mama!

DR MAROPENG: And then? Who’s this tramp and who invited her to this wedding? Bayanda? Why is this nutcase here?

SHARENDA: You want me to show you crazy? I’ll show you just that, old hag.

 Sharenda draws a gun from her back pocket. Everyone screams and hides themselves in protection, some under the table and some behind their chairs as Dr Maropeng freezes in fear.

SHARENDA: (Pointing her gun in every direction) That’s right! I’m tired of you wealthy people playing on my head like it’s a playground. You! (Pointing the gun at the main table) You son a bitch! You played my heart! You made me believe that you loved me. You used me for your sick desires! You coward! You didn’t even have the audacity to tell me that you were getting married to this excuse of a woman! How could you? I trusted you… I can’t believe I even did!

MME MOKOENA:  Hawu! Heheni! Goitsimang, call the police, quick!

 Goitsimang runs out.

BAYANDA: Babe listen, I am sorry, I can explain…

SHARENDA: Explain? Explain what exactly? 

BAYANDA: This! All this is arranged babe! I don’t even love her. She’s just a spoilt trust fund brat that my parents forced down my throat for the sake of the business. You know I love you, babe, but I couldn’t stand being stripped of the life I know in the name of love. Would you have still loved me when I have nothing huh? She’s not even attractive! Behind this make-up there’s really nothing to hype! 


RATANANG: Bayanda! Is this what you think of me?

SHARENDA: Bayanda I’m pregnant! Six weeks pregnant! What am I supposed to do with this child alone? How can you be so selfish? You know the kind of background I come from! I only had you in the world but you do me like this?

MRS MABASO: (Shocked) Hawu hawu! Maye! Lengane ingihlolelani Jehovah- What is this child doing to me God.

BAYANDA: I’m sorry my love, please don’t do anything stupid because of this!

SHARENDA: Shut up! Shut up! Don’t you say a word! 

RATANANG: Listen, how about we fix this in a decent manner…

SHARENDA: Who asked for your two cents’ opinion??

RATANANG: I was just…

SHARENDA: (Cocking her gun) I’m warning you, bitch!

RATANANG: I’m trying to reason with you here, Sharenda! Listen to me… 

The gun goes off, the lights go off. When the lights come on again, a policeman comes running in, followed by Goitsimang.

BAYANDA: (Crouched over Ratanang) Ratanang! No! You shot her!

SHARENDA: I, I didn’t mean to. She was talking non-stop and it went to my head, I don’t know what happened.

POLICEMAN: Hands in the air, miss, and let go of the weapon you are holding.

SHARENDA:  I can’t believe I shot her .

Sharenda goes down on her knees as tears stream down her eyes and holds her hands up.

POLICEMAN: Miss usuboshiwe, give me hands (handcuffing her) Asambe sboshwa – let’s go, prisoner!

BAYANDA: (Sobbing and leaning over Ratanang) Baby please wake up! Wake up! 

Tell us: Do you think Bayanda feels bad about his actions and their consequences?