INT. The home of a hoarder. The house is messy and cluttered with stacks upon stacks of boxes and clear plastic containers.
MADDY: Dad? Dad, where are you?
DAD: I’m back here in the guest room.
Dad is rummaging through a laundry basket.
DAD: You don’t happen to know where I left my bathrobe do you?
MADDY: I saw one coming up the stairs.
DAD: No, not that one …
Dad continues to look through the basket anxiously. Maddy is becoming annoyed.
MADDY: Dad, I don’t have a lot of time. I need to leave for work.
Dad continues searching.
MADDY: Dad? Dad!
Dad looks up, surprised, as if only just seeing her.
DAD: Sweetheart, when did you get here?
MADDY: Dad, I need to talk to you.
DAD: What’s the matter? Is everything okay with Steven?
MADDY: Everything is fine. I just … I have some news.
DAD: (looking doubtful) Steven got a job?
MADDY: Dad, come on. He’s looking. You know how hard it’s been for him.
DAD: All I’m saying, it’s not right that you should be supporting him …
MADDY: Seriously, Dad, it’s 2022. When are you gonna move on?
DAD: In my day, the man of the house …
MADDY: In your day, you used to leave the house.
Dad sits in stunned silence. Maddy tries to hold her ground but her gaze softens.
DAD: I can leave whenever I want.
MADDY: (Gives in and plays along.) I know.
DAD: I can, you know?
MADDY: I know. That’s what I came to talk to you about.
DAD: I’m not going back on those pills.
MADDY: I know Dad …
DAD: I don’t need them. And I won’t …
MADDY: I’m pregnant.
Dad is shocked but after a moment becomes overjoyed.
DAD: This is amazing! Oh honey! You tried for so long … I …
Maddy sees her father is starting to tear up.
DAD: (frowning) How are you going to afford a baby when Steven isn’t working …
MADDY: (sighs) You let me worry about that. Can you just be happy with me for a second before you start spiralling?
DAD: Okay… (holds up his hands) And I am happy. I really am. I’m going to be a grandfather!
MADDY: That’s what I wanted to talk to you about …
Dad looks doubtful.
MADDY: Steven and I were talking and we think you should move in with us.
DAD: No, absolutely not.
MADDY: Come on Dad, you never leave the house. Don’t you want to be near your grandchild? Don’t you want to see them grow up?
DAD: You’re going to visit, aren’t you?
MADDY: (Shaking her head.) Dad, there’s like seven kinds of mould in the shower and you have cockroaches crawling up the walls! I can’t bring a baby here.
DAD: I can’t. How could you ask me to leave my things?
MADDY: You can bring your things!
DAD: No! No you want me to get rid of everything that’s important to me!
MADDY: I thought I was important to you!
DAD: You are!
MADDY: This isn’t what Mom would have wanted for you!
DAD: (screaming): Don’t you bring your mother into this!
MADDY: I wish Mom was here instead of you, okay? I’m scared. I’m having a baby and I’m scared. And I need a parent. If you can’t be that for me when I need you most, then I’m done.
DAD: Maddy …
Maddy storms out of the room without another word. We hear a door slam downstairs and a car start outside.
Tell us: What would you tell Maddy if you where her friend?