[Gen. Tomo summoned fifty men. He gave an impromptu speech but his speech was intermittently interrupted by Hawa and Sanwee.]

Gen. Tomo: We’ve been ordered by the chief to ensure that the drumming, singing and dancing in that forest be…

(Hawa was seen seriously nodding her head with her eyes closed to the beat). The General walked towards her staring straight into her eyes, but she was lost in the sounds. He slapped her on the shoulder, she jerked back into action.

Gen.Tomo: Hawa, what is going on?

Hawa: I am sorry sir, sorry sir.

Gen Tomo: Allright, like I was saying from the beginning, we have been ordered by the chief… (He saw again Sanwee’s legs shaking to the music from the forest. His anger rose to heating point, he screamed). Sanwee, what is wrong with you, why are you shaking like somebody who is about to be struck by epilepsy? Why the hell are you not paying attention?

Sanwee: I don’t know why my legs keep moving to that stupid sound. I tried to ease myself from moving to the beat but the more I tried more I dance sir.

Gen. Tomo: (He mimicked): The more I tried the more I dance. What nonsense! Fools! We are to stop that damned dancing, drumming and singing that continues to disturb our sanity. Now, let’s move it. (He pointed to the direction of the sound).

[They all ran in single in a file. Some had on their face chalks of different colors with staffs and shields in their hands. There was no trace of smiles on their faces. As they passed the market a lot of people commented in whispers. Tutee was one of them.

Tutee: Grandma, Papa ‘em in trouble today.

[Her grandma didn’t respond but she quietly prayed; “I hope not so”. ]

[The masked Dancer’s forest was jammed with the excitement of drumming, singing and dancing. Tombo was on the floor dancing vigorously, when Gen. Tomo and his fifty men contingent emerged stealthily. The Masked Dancer saw them first. It signaled for the censure of the drumming, dancing and singing. Goun and Duo did as they were told. Tombo ran and stood behind Kamara but far away from the Masked Dancer.

Masked Dancer: (Whispered in the ears of Samuel): We have guests but we should not panic. We shall entertain them the way they deserve. (Samuel relayed the message).

[The soldiers laughed at them. They encased them the little group of artists like a bracket. Gen. Tomo stood in front of the artists. The hunted group, though were assured not to panic, their human nature wouldn’t allow them. The fear in them arose, when they saw the fierce faces of the warriors with chalks of different colors, this made their stomach to churn. Besides the Masked Dancer, they slowly retreated to the other end of the formed human parenthesis. The warriors didn’t stand, they slowly moved on them also. The General spoke out first.]

Gen. Tomo: Alrighty, enough of the act. It’s all over. Turn yourselves in and be safe or (He cranked his fingers so that the nitrogen in them made sounds) else we will resolve to brutality, if you choose. (He pointed at Tombo). Look at you, once a royal servant, who used to wear clothes made and ordered from America, Europe and Asia is now dressed in…I don’t know what? You made this shelter-less forest your home when you had it all in a palace, a palace that every common man or woman around the world only dreams of.

(He pointed at the other artists exempting the Masked Dancer)

Gen. Tomo: And all of you, you had so much back home, but you decided to trade it for a thing nobody knows where it came from. The only thing the chief wanted from you was loyalty to him. You know how well he hates traitors. You know the kind of punishments he gives to people like you. Why follow an insignificant man like Samuel who is renowned for betraying his land? Have you forgotten? Have you forgotten what he did to the noble chief by killing his only child on the street like a homeless dog? Perhaps, he and his creature had enchanted you against the chiefdom of Osronipa.

[At the chief’s palace; he was seated on his throne with his wife at his right hand. When the drums fell silent, he jumped for joy.]

Chief Zawu: (Stood to his feet): Silent at las! I trust the warriors of this chiefdom. They have never disappointed me. I’ll make life unbearable for those ungrateful rats. The way they treated us; disturbed our peace, we will root them out in pieces.

[Back in the bush: The Masked Dancer yelled in a loud shrilled shrieking voice that made the General fall to the ground. His men fled left and right, down and not up because the Masked Dancer was standing there. The Masked Dancer spoke again, Samuel interpreted.]

Samuel: The Masked Dancer says; “You are highly welcome. We’ll wholeheartedly entertain you”.

[The Masked Dancer raised a song, Samuel repeated it for the hearing of Zaro; the chief drummer, it was a warrior song. The General quickly stood to his feet. Hawa and other warriors hid behind a tree saying their prayers aloud. Sanwee and another group lay flat on the ground on their stomachs and spied to be sure what would be the next move against the General. But there was no further action. Back at the chief’s palace, the queen commented when the drums started again.]

Queen Lucy: Oh, I think silent not forever!

Chief Zawu: Cut it ouuuut! (He screamed).

Queen Lucy: Darling, they are not here, they can’t hear you. (He shook his in disappointment).

[Back in the forest, the General started to wipe the dust off his clothes. While doing it, he started dancing to the drum beats.]

Hawa: What the hell is he doing?

Alaska: I can’t believe it, he’s dancing.

[Sanwee joined the General in the dancing. Soon, the others joined. As soon as the General saw Hawa, he held her by the hand and danced with her. The General arranged his contingent in queues of five rolls, ten columns. They performed the warrior dance drills.


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