(It is morning at school and Mathematics period. Miss Jude enters the class, and students quickly rush to their seats)

Students: Good morning, Miss Jude.


Students: (louder) Good morning, Miss Jude!

Miss Jude: What is good about the morning?

Sfiso: The weekend was very awesome. You could have witnessed our victory when we trashed other schools easily at the soccer tournament.

Miss Jude: Well, I have good news and bad news. The bad news made me stay up all weekend thinking. So, which one to start with?

Students: (in unison) Good news!

Miss Jude: I was expecting that.

(The class roars with laughter)

Miss Jude: The good news is you won the soccer tournament in the province, and I heard that you’ll be flying to Nigeria next month to represent our school. Well done!

Sfiso: But it’s only those of us who played that made all that possible. We should get all the credit.

Noxolo: Oh, shut up! You are never without fans. We urged you to score those goals, gave you all the support you needed and gave you confidence. We were all part of it.

Students: YES! YES!

Miss Jude: Thank you very much to both of you. Continue with your debate elsewhere, on the correct platform. The bad news is…

(There is a knock on the door)

Miss Jude: This is the bad news… Come in!

Tshepo: Morning Miss Jude. May I join the class?

Miss Jude: What time is it? Why are you even late on a Monday?

Tshepo: I overslept.

Miss Jude: Why did you oversleep?

Tshepo: My alarm didn’t ring. I realised after waking up that my phone battery had died during the night. I am sorry. I learnt my lesson.

Miss Jude: (turns to face the class) I ask Tshepo the reason he is late; he tells me that he overslept. I asked him why he overslept; he says his phone alarm didn’t ring due to the carelessness of not realising that the battery was not going to last until the time set to ring. Guess what, class?

Students: Mhmmm!

Miss Jude: His last test’s grade overslept too!

(Students all laughed so hard that some eyes were tearing)

Miss Jude: Take a seat, Mr Malope.

Tshepo: Thank you.

Miss Jude: Come and take all your scripts back and take the memo here. If you have any questions, I am here. Don’t be afraid, but take advantage of me.

(The whole class stands up and go to collect the scripts, but the lights go off. The students whine)

Miss Jude: Sorry, what are you saying? I want order in my class, so please do me that favour. You know what to do. And Mr Malope, find help. We have another test this coming Friday.


(It is recess. Tshepo is chilling with his friends on the basketball court)

Tshepo: Guys, I need help with the monster called Maths.

Mlondi: I wish I was of any use, but no. Mathematics Literacy all the way. I suggest you try find someone who is excellent at Maths to help you after school, as of tomorrow.

Khaya: Yep! That’s the only solution at the moment. Or you can sacrifice your hobby to make ends meet.

Tshepo: What do you mean? Wait a minute! What is my hobby?

Khaya: Sleeping.

Tshepo: And do what with that time? I don’t think that’s possible. I mean, I am a sound sleeper. Doctors have failed to help me. My sister gave up on waking me up, she was probably tired of being my alarm.

Khaya: You’ll have to watch Geleza Nathi. Only on Mondays. I promise you that you’ll soon improve.

Tshepo: Thanks.

Mlondi: But…? (trailing)

Tshepo: I need help fast because I have a test on Friday. I have to pass it and I need to. It’s obligatory.

Mlondi: That soon, huh?

Tshepo: Yes. Miss Jude is on my case. She won’t leave me alone until I pass the test. She is that caring.

Khaya: I don’t get you now. Why are you so desperate to pass a test? It’s not like you ever cared about passing Maths. Why now?

Tshepo: Miss Jude mocked me today. She said my grades overslept, like I did this morning.

(They all laughed)

Thabo enters and clears his throat.

Mlondi: Look who is joining us for lunch today! The break is on you, buddy. We’ll buy some cold drinks after school.

Thabo: Maybe next time. I am not staying.

Khaya: Then why are you with us?

Thabo: I need to speak to Tshepo, behind the scenes. Can we, Tshepo? I will be very short, I promise. I won’t waste your time.

Tshepo: It’s fine. Come this side.

(They walk away from Khaya and Mlondi)

Tshepo: What do you want? To mock me that I failed the test?

Thabo: No. I am here to offer my help to you, for free. I can tutor you Maths until the final exams, if you would like my help.

Tshepo: Who said I needed help? Even if I did, why would I need YOUR help? Just leave me!

Nonhle: (calling from far) Babe! I’m waiting for you. Please hurry up!

Tshepo: (calling back to her) I’m on my way. Give me a minute. I can’t believe you made me stand up my girlfriend to listen to this trash. Bye, Thabo.

Thabo: My offer will always stand. If you change your mind, which I know you will, come by my house this evening.

Tshepo: I said…you know what? I am leaving.

Thabo: She is not going to make you pass Maths. You don’t need a muse to pass Maths, or to boost your ego, or even nectar. You need my help! Today.

Tshepo: Ignorant guy, mind your own business. It’s not up to you to help me. Get that into your thick skull.

Thabo: The same skull that’s so considerate. Yeah, right!

Tshepo: Considerate my foot! What you’re doing is called boasting, Fancy Pants!

Thabo: I thought you were leaving?

Tshepo: I am.

Thabo: My offer is no longer standing. I was so silly to think that you’d accept my help. Pride won’t let you. Talk no more. Your ‘peach’ is waiting for you.

(Tshepo rushes to his girlfriend)

Nonhle: Do you still love me? Do I still occupy the first position on your priority list? Am I still special to you?

Tshepo: What’s with all these questions? Not even a hello. Is this my marshmallow? My other half? My fillet? My pumpkin? My smooshy-pooshy-pooshy-poompy-dooshy-boobear?

Nonhle: (giggling hard) Stop it! You’re so sick, but adorable!

Tshepo: Now give me sugar! I didn’t see you the whole weekend. I missed you.

Nonhle: Missed me so much that you didn’t call? I see!

Tshepo: Don’t be like that, come on my embrace.

Nonhle: The girls are waiting for me. Siwe is already fuming. She is so impatient. I will see you later.

Tshepo: Sure thing. Here! (kissing her) That should last until we see each other again.

Nonhle: Such a romantic! No, a teaser!

(They part and Tshepo goes back to his friends)

Mlondi: Here’s your pie and cold drink. (handing them to him)

Tshepo: Thank you.

Khaya: What did Fancy Pants want from you?

Tshepo: He wanted to help me with Maths. Can you believe that? I never shouted for help, let alone his. I just dismissed him.

Mlondi: I can’t sit and listen to this. See you in class, Khaya, and you Tshepo after school. Hopefully, by then you’ll be thinking straight.

Tshepo: What?

Khaya: You are the biggest fool. Go back to Thabo, apologise to him and start extra classes with him. Swallow your pride, just this once. The end.

(Mlondi and Khaya leave)

Tshepo: (to himself) Now, I wish time was reversible. I am such an idiot; someone offers a helping hand and I deny it in an instant. You’re a fool Tshepo!


Tell us: Why do you think Tshepo refused help?