(The following morning, and John just woke up.)

John: It is in the morning, I need to wake up. Suzie is coming today from Durban, and I do not know where Auntie is. I want to know where Auntie is. I want her to come wash all the blood on the wall before Suzie arrives. Let me call her.

Auntie: (Speaking alone.) Should I go, keep quiet, or hide myself in that kennel until Suzie arrives. I am afraid he will hit me just like the guard. Truly speaking, I love Peter. I have strong feelings for him.

John: (Speaking softly.) Auntie, where have you been when I was calling you?

Auntie: (Shocked.) I was, I was in my room.

John: No, you were not there when I was there to look for you. Relax, I am not going to do anything to you. Let us forget about the past, and let it be our secret.

Auntie: Thank you, sir.

John: Just do me a favour for now, and hurry up.

Auntie: What favour?

John: Please clean all the walls which have blood before you do anything else. I am leaving now to check on my business.

Auntie: Thank you, sir.

Auntie: (Speaking alone.) Thank you God, you saved my life from that dragon man who did not hit or kill me.

Tell us: Do you think Auntie should tell Suzie what her husband is doing to her?