[At Juke’s office]

Metsi: Juke, please meet my friend Jessica, the one I told you about. Jessica this is Juke, my colleague.

Jessica: It’s my pleasure to meet you, Juke.

Juke: I am pleased to know you too, Jessica.

Jessica: I’ve heard a lot about you, but trust me it’s only good news.

Juke: (smiling) Oh, that’s great.

Jessica: Metsi told me that you want to find Mrs Nomusa Jacobs’ murderer?

Juke: Yes, we believe that her husband, Mr Jacobs, is behind her death.

Jessica: What makes you think that Mr Jacobs is capable of killing his wife?

Juke: He’s been acting strange these days. And besides, he did not do a proper funeral for his wife to show his commitment.

Jessica: Juke, I just want you to know that we, as human beings, do not believe in the same culture. And we also don’t do same things to show our feelings but that doesn’t mean that we are not hurting.

Juke: Yes, that’s true Jessica. But I am sure that Sham killed his wife.

Jessica: Do you know that is a serious offence; to accuse someone without having proof?

Juke: I know Jessica, that’s why we want you to find us that proof and we promise to make it worth your while.

Jessica: It’s fine. I will help you but I have my rules that I want you to obey.

Juke: What are those rules?

Jessica: I don’t want to work with betrayers. Secondly, everything we discuss is strictly confidential, no one should know about it. Should you interfere in my investigation, then the deal is off.

Juke: OK, that’s fine. We accept your rules.

Jessica: Good, guys when I am doing an investigation I am not always doing it according to the constitution; the law. But I get my hands dirty to get as much information as I can. What I am trying to say is that there will be a time when I demand you to do something dirty and illegal to get all the information I need. So the question is, are you with me or you are having second thoughts?

Juke: No, no second thoughts; we are with you.

Jessica: Good, because I don’t do business with cowards. I want people who are willing to jump the boundaries to get what they want.

Juke: Deal!


[George’s house]

George: Lucky my boy, I’ve got bad and good news for you. So tell me, which would you prefer first, bad or good news?

Lucky: Bad news first.

George: Bad news is that we are not the only people who are investigating Sham about your mom’s death.

Lucky: What? Oh no that can’t happen, Mr George. Do you know if they will jeopardize our plan?

George: I know Lucky, but I think we should come up with a strategy to get them off the investigation before it’s too late.

Lucky: I have a plan to make them our assets instead of being our liabilities.

George: (smiling) You sound like a good entrepreneur Lucky, so what are those plans?

Lucky: Mr George, I think we should not try to stop them. But instead of stopping them, we should encourage and monitor their investigation and that will help to reduce our investigation costs.

George: But the problem is that these people would want to involve the court, of which you don’t want a magistrate to be involved.

Lucky: I know Mr George but as I mentioned, we are going to monitor them.

George: Do you think they will agree to be monitored by us?

Lucky: No, they won’t. We are going to monitor their investigation without them knowing that we are monitoring their investigation.

George: OK fine, I hear you. But the problem is that we cannot be able to stop them from sharing their information with the prosecution office.

Lucky: We’ll figure out something, something that will make them fear sharing their information with the prosecutor.

George: I hope this is not going to back fire on us and jeopardize our plans to bring Sham down.

Lucky: I promise Mr George, so what is the good news?

George: The good news is that my boys found your mom’s grand. She’s in a very good condition but not ready to appear in public.

Lucky: Wow, that’s good news. So can I see her today Mr George?

George: No, boy may be tomorrow.


[At the CEO’s office]

Sham: You may sit down, Glen.

Glen: Wow, you’ve been appointed as a new CEO? Wow that’s good news Sham.

Sham: Yes, I appointed myself as a new CEO of this company and at the same time, I’ve got a very fancy office and a job for my best friend here.

Glen: (smiling). You are joking, Sham?

Sham: No, I am not joking. I want you to enjoy the legacy you helped me to get.

Glen: Wow, thank you Sham. So what kind of a job are you offering me and how much is the salary?

Sham: I want to appoint you as the new HR manager, and this job pays about +R28 000 per month.

Glen: (smiling) Wow, that is too much, sham?

Sham: You are worth every cent it pays.

Glen: But Sham, the problem is that I do not qualify to be the HR manager. I only have an escorting qualification.

Sham: (smiling) Oh no man, your friend is the big boss here; you do not need any CV’s or qualifications to be employed in this company.

Glen: Really? Don’t you think they will accuse you of nepotism?

Sham: I don’t give a damn about them. I am a majority shareholder of this company and in six months’ time, I will be a millionaire.

Glen: Wow, I am glad to see that everything is in on par.

Sham: Yeah but thanks to you my home boy.

[There is a knock on the door and Juke enters.]

Sham: Oh, it’s you Juke? Come in please.

Juke: Sir, the administrator said you wanted to see me?

Sham: (smiling) Yes, it about your department, Juke.

Juke: Oh about that, I was trying to get hold of you yesterday.

Sham: Oh yeah, I got your missed calls, I am sorry I couldn’t respond them.

Juke: No problem, Sir. I just wanted to tell you that I have conducted a SWOT analysis and I came up with a very brilliant strategic plan that will make the HR department to be an investment zone.

Sham: Oh that good news Juke, but unfortunately you are no longer going to report to me as I’m no longer responsible for taking decisions regarding HR.

Juke: Oh, you want me to pass my decisions to the Managing Director’s office for approval?

Sham: No, that is not what I’m trying to say. Oh by the way, Juke please meet my friend, Glen, your new boss.

Juke: (shocked). My new what?

Sham: Glen is the new HR manager and I have decided to demote you from being an HR manager to be a Labour Relation supervisor.

Juke: (shaking) What? Why am I demoted?

Sham: Sometimes when you own a house there’s a day when you need to replace any old finisher with new one.

Juke: But Mr Jacobs, I respect my job and I am damn good in that field.

Sham: That’s true Juke but Glen here is smarter than you and I believe that you will respect his authority.

Glen: Listen here Juke and listen very careful, I play a guitar and you dance, is it clear?

Juke: (disappointed) Loud and clear, Sir.

Glen: Good, now get back to your work before I issue you with a written warning.

Juke: Yes sir.

[Juke leaves the office and the two friends continue talking.]

Glen: (laughing) Oh this is interesting indeed, Sham.

Sham: Welcome to the world of bossing, Glen.

Glen: It seems as if I am going to enjoy each and every minute of working here.

Sham: It’s nice to have someone like you in my corner, Glen.

Glen: Likewise my home boy.

Sham: Glen, I want you to help me get rid of my new threat.

Glen: Another threat, again?

Sham: Yes, another threat, again.

Glen: Does that threat have a name?

Sham: It’s my late wife’s son, Lucky.

Glen: What? Is he still alive?

Sham: Yes he still alive and he want to contest the old will.

Glen: Oh no, but don’t worry, I will sort him out.

Sham: It better be fast Glen, and please make sure you get rid of him fast.

Glen: Considered him dead now, Sham.

Sham: Thanks Glen man.