After a little while

The plane crashed on Antarctica. Tebalo, Precious and Pilot Tladi managed to get out of the plane but they were badly injured. As they got out leaping and coughing, the plane exploded along with Pilot Stern in it. Shortly afterwards, Pilot Tladi passed away, leaving only Tebalo and Precious, who was way more injured than Tebalo. The place was so cold and with the little clothing that they had on, they were freezing. They sat there holding each other, with their teeth shivering.

Tebalo: (Stammering) Hey! Hey! Just hold on okay, I’m sure help is coming.

Precious: (Getting weaker by the minute) I’m so cold!

Tebalo, who was also freezing took off his jacket and put it on Precious.

Tebalo: Here!

Precious: (Stammering) That was one hell of a flight, wasn’t it?

Tebalo: Sh! Stop talking! Save your energy!

A few minutes later…

Both Tebalo and Precious were freezing and covered with frost, their injuries were not making anything better, if anything, they were making it worse. They stuttered.

Tebalo: Hey! Wake up!

Precious: Don’t worry. I’m not yet dead!

Tebalo: Don’t talk like that!

Precious: What’s the matter with you? You told me to stop talking, now you’re telling me what to not talk about. (Looking up with so much struggle to face Tebalo) Hey! Why so sad?

Tebalo: Stop talking!

Precious: I never thanked you… For making my dream come true.

Tebalo: This was never your dream!

Precious: I flew Tebalo! And I was happy, I am happy, believe it or not.

Tebalo: Sh!

Precious: Thank you! For making my dream come true, for loving me and for putting up with my cry baby self.

Tebalo: Why won’t you shut up! There’s no need for you to say all these. This is not goodbye.

Precious pulled Tebalo’s jacket a little tighter and felt something in its pocket. She used up most of her little strength and took out the little box in the pocket.

Precious: What is this?

Tebalo tried to take the box away from Precious but she resisted and opened the box.

Precious: (Looking at Tebalo with so much love and surprise) Is this for me?

Tears fell from Tebalo’s eyes and he couldn’t stop them.

Tebalo: I was going to ask you when we get to New Zealand. I guess that’ll not be happening very soon.

Precious: Ask me!

Tebalo: What?

Precious: Ask me to marry you right now!

Tebalo: No! I’ll ask you when we get home.

Precious: Ask me!

Tebalo: No!

Precious: Tebalo please!

There was a moment of silence for a few seconds.

Tebalo: Precious Mathibeng! I never thought I would ever love someone this much. I didn’t even know one could feel like this about anyone. Together we smiled, cried, fought and laughed. But most importantly, we love each other! I couldn’t believe that someone actually loved me, not my family’s wealth but me. I always knew I had to keep you in my life and for some reason, I felt like you wanted to stay in my life too. So, Precious Mathibeng, will you do me the honour of being your husband and marry me?

Precious: (Tears falling on her pale cheeks) Fiancée! I will be your Fiancée. And Yes! Now put this ring on my finger. (Letting out a little laugh).

Tebalo put the ring on Precious’ finger.

Precious: It’s perfect. (Painfully swallows her saliva) Daddy and Leah are calling me now!

Tabelo: No! You can’t go. We still have our lives ahead of us.

Life was exiting both of their cold bodies.

Precious: No baby! You can’t come with me. Someone has to tell them back home to write fiancée on my tombstone.

Tebalo: Why are you talking like that?

Precious: I want you to know, I died a happy person. You see, I’m smiling. (Gathering all her strength to smile).

Those were Precious’ last words as life completely left her body.

Tebalo: No! No! Wake up! Help is coming, just wake up! (letting all his cries out). Precious No! Don’t leave me.


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