A few hours later.

The jet was flying over Antarctica when the jet made a rough slide but then it went back its normal position.

Precious: That’s not supposed to happen, right?!

Tebalo: Yeah! I’ll go check with the pilots what’s going on.

Tebalo made his way to the pilot side.

Tebalo: Everything okay?

Pilot Stern: We’ve encountered a small problem but we’re still checking it out. You should go back to your seat.

Precious showed up.

Precious: Is everything okay?

Pilot Stern: I was just telling Mr Senong about the minor problem we encountered ma’am. We are currently flying over the continent Antarctica, it is expected for the plane to do this.

Precious: Oh, OK. Let’s go back to our seats then. (Taking Tebalo’s hand) I got scared for a minute there.

Tebalo: I’m sorry about that.

Precious: Hey, it’s okay, you heard what the pilot said. I can’t believe we are above Antarctica. Did you know that nobody actually lives there? But I heard there are a few camps for researchers and tourists.

Tebalo: Yeah. It makes sense though. The whole place is covered with intense ice. But I don’t want to talk about that.

Precious: Oh, what do you want talk about. (Looking at Tebalo with admiration).

Tebalo: I want to talk about us and what I’m going to do with you when we get to New Zealand.

Precious: What are you going to do? (A blush escaping her face).

Tebalo was about to talk when he got interrupted by the sudden downward movement of the jet. Precious hit the jet pretty hard with her arm due to the change in motion of the jet.

Precious: Ouch!

Tebalo grabbed her and held on to her.

Tebalo: Are you okay?

Pilot Tladi came to their side with panic and worry covered on his face.

Pilot Tladi: Sir! Ma’am! Seems like we are having a major problem. Please put on your safety kit and fasten your seatbelts!

Precious: (Fearful) What! Are we going to crash?

Tebalo: No! Don’t think about that. (Giving Precious the safety kit) Put this on!

As both Tebalo and Precious put on the safety kit, Pilot Tladi went back to the pilot side.

Pilot Stern: (Taking the radio) Mayday! Mayday!…

The radio got cut off while Pilot Stern was talking. The plane started heading down at a fast speed. Meanwhile, Tebalo and Precious were on their seat with their seatbelts fastened, holding each other with Tebalo constantly telling Precious not to worry.


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