Precious and Tebalo are a young couple living together in an apartment.

At the apartment.

Precious wakes up next to her significant other, who is still asleep.

Precious: Morning (she yawns as she stares at Tebalo and blushes as she admires him) of cause you’re still asleep. (She kisses his forehead and climbs out of bed.)

She went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, washed her face and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Precious: (Talking to the egg in the frying pan) Please turn, please turn! Yes!

Tebalo walks into the kitchen.

Tebalo: Who are you talking to?

Precious: Hey, you’re up. Breakfast will be ready in ten.

Tebalo: Why didn’t you wake me up? (Hugs Precious from behind) I would have helped you.

Precious: Aww, aren’t you sweet. (Turning her head up to reach Tebalo’s lips). You were sleeping so peacefully, I couldn’t bring myself to wake you up and besides I have some news to share and I thought what better way to share it with good breakfast.

Tebalo: (Letting go of Precious gently and heading to the fridge) What kind of news?

Precious: The kind that needs to be shared through good breakfast.

Tebalo: Are you breaking up with me?

Precious: What! No silly. (Laughing softly).

Tebalo: Are you pregnant? That’s it? You’re pregnant?
Precious: Whoa… Slow down. No, I’m not pregnant and come here, breakfast is ready. (She looks at him) You look disappointed.

Tebalo: Well…

Precious: Tebalo Senong, are you saying you want to be a father? (Smiles).

Tebalo: You think I won’t make a great dad?

Precious: You know you would make a great dad. Now come eat.

Tebalo went to the dining table with worry covering his face.

Precious: Don’t look so worried. It’s actually good news.

Tebalo just stared at her.

Precious: OK. Since you won’t eat, I might as well tell you. Remember that trip you planned for us to New Zealand?

Tebalo: Yes, we were supposed to go on our second anniversary but you still couldn’t overcome your fear of flights.

Precious: Hey! Don’t rub it in. (Smiles).

Tebalo: What can I say? That was the fifth trip we planned without actually seeing it through. (He laughs).

Precious: What if I told you that I’m determined on seeing this one through.

Tebalo: Which one? We don’t have any plans.

Precious: But you said that the offer to New Zealand expires in a month.

Tebalo: Yes, which ends in like three days… Wait! Are you saying that you changed your mind?

Precious: (Nodding with excitement) Yes!

Tebalo: Babe, are you sure? We can always reschedule…

Precious: (Interrupting Tebalo) I am sure! I’ve been dreaming about getting on a plane for most of my life but my fear always got in the way. Look, I always wanted to go to New Zealand. And I’m going. You can’t talk me out of it.

Tebalo: Are you kidding me? I always wanted to be the one to give you your first experience in the sky. But are you sure about this?

Precious: I am. Do you think we can still go? I mean there’s only three days are left.

Tebalo: Babe, you seem to forget that your man comes from a rich family and works at a multi-billion company. Of course I can get us to New Zealand. I’ll get the jet ready. (Excitedly kissing Precious).


Tell us: Do you have any fears that stops you from doing things in life?