G: I am impressed with how you are pushing the business.

Makgalapina: I told you G, this street will be Makgalapina Source Street.

G: I have more stuff for you, and if you sell out before Friday then I will give you bonus.

Makgalapina: I have my boys, they will spread it everywhere, plus we have a lot of demand these days.

G: If you say so then Friday we will make each other happy.

(G exits and Diketso enters.)

Diketso: Sho bozza, I can see G outside.

Makgalapina: Ubani othe ungena wena nja. You dog, did I allow you to enter?

Diketso: Ah bozza yami ngathi ngijabule kangaka. Just when I was in a good mood.

Makgalapina: Manje when you happy, you happy for me?

Diketso: Bozza yami I sold everything today. Here is your money. Today istuff sivaye fast. Ngithe mangi ngene ngapha abantwana bathi woza ngapha. The girls were calling me left and right.

Makgalapina: You know what’s your problem? Uyapapha son, uyaspita, and uzochayise son, and mau chayisa bozoku fahlaka son. You’re too forward they’ll put you behind bars son.

Diketso: Hade bozza. Ok fede bozza I will need more stuff.

Makgalapina: G gave us a lot of stuff today that has to be sold by tomorrow. Silande e-store room. Go get it from the store room

Diketso: Tjooo bozza istuff esingaka. Boss, this is too much stuff.

Makgalapina: Will you be able to sell it all by tomorrow?

Diketso: Yes bozza, I have many customers.

Makgalapina: OK. You can go now.

Diketso: Bozza can I have money for lunch.

Makgalapina: Entlek son kini uhlala nobani lo ongaku carisi, you always want money. Enlek ubona imali or drugs la? Have you sold something njengoba ufuna imali? Vaya! Get out of here.

Diketso: Ah maar bozza…

Makgalapina: Usasela? You’re still here?

Diketso: Ah fede bozza. (Goes out) Futhi ngizowa bema lama drugs wakhe. I’m going to smoke these drugs!


Tell us: Diketso wants to smoke G’s drugs, what do you think are the dangers of this?