(Ka tseleng hotla rnoruti o fihla a atamela pela bahlankana ba babedi.)

Moruti : Dumelang bahlankana le phetse?

Keletso : Ee. Re phetse ntate moruti wena?

Ricardo: Moruti

Moruti : Tjhee. Ka mohau wa modimo banna rea leka. Shebang mona, ke letshwaretse mantswe a rnabedi kajeno. Nka tswela pele?

Keletso: O ka tswelapele ntate Moruti

Ricardo: No problem

Moruti : A wiseman once said “the higher you soar the smaller you seem to people who cannot fly”. Do you know what this means?

Keletso: Tjhee

Ricardo: I have no idea.

Moruti: This simply means that. If you succeed in life you may be for from the people whom you used to be closed with. Ekaba ya utlwahala?

Ricardo: Hundred percent.

Keletso: Eya Ntate.

Moruti : Ke batla le tsebe hore you are here for something and life is a journey. A race that you must run and there is a journey. A race that you must run and there is a victory you must win, as long as you believe. Salang hantle banna le itshwareng hantle. (Oa tsamaya)

Ricardo: Thanks moruti, we really appreciate your words.

Keletso: Ke hantle ntate Moruti

Ricardo: Strong words my bru ne?

Keletso : Indeed my friend, strong words.


Ke karolong ya eng eo Moruti ae bapalang botshelong ba Keletso?