Sunday afternoon at the divine faith church. Pastor Banda and Mr. Nxumalo have invited Natasha for a quick conversation. the meeting is in the empty church and the pastor and deacon are waiting for Natasha to arrive. 2 p.m.

PASTOR BANDA: (Pacing up and down) This is unacceptable, she is bringing shame to this congregation.

MR NXUMALO: If word gets out, this will ruin our church’s reputation.

PASTOR BANDA: Not just ruin our reputation, it will turn many people away from the church. (Sitting down) We will be a laughingstock, how could we let this happen?

MR NXUMALO: This is chaotic, especially with the National Choir Competition coming up. Our church has been through a lot. Just this morning, the police found the Mlungisi’s body and there have been no leads on that case… may he rest in peace… and now this.

PASTOR BANDA: (Standing up and wiping his forehead) We need to chuck her out of the church, this is a place of worship, not a clubhouse.

MR NXUMALO: She is the lead singer in the choir…

Pastor Banda: I don’t care what she is, she has brought shame to the church, and she must leave.

MR NXUMALO: We have to tread carefully here, the church welcomes everyone and we accept mistakes.

PASTOR BANDA: Who is this mysterious man, anyway? She is very chatty with the old men of the congregation. (Sitting down again) Do you think she does this for money?

MR NXUMALO: We cannot make assumptions; I have spoken to Natasha and she has never been suggestive.

(Knock on the door)

MR NXUMALO: Come in my child.

PASTOR BANDA: (Whispering to Mr. Nxumalo) Is she much of a child with the way she has been acting?

MR NXUMALO: (To Pastor Banda) Shhhhh. (To Natasha) Hello Natasha.

NATASHA: Hello Pastor, Deacon.

PASTOR BANDA: (Irritated) How dare you…

MR NXUMALO: (Interrupting) How about I lead the conversation for now?

(Pastor Banda wipes his forehead and stares at Natasha)

NATASHA: I think I know why I am here and…

PASTOR BANDA: (Irritated) Of course you do, have you no shame?

MR NXUMALO: What do you have to say for yourself, Natasha?

NATASHA: I didn’t mean to stab him and-

PASTOR BANDA: (Interrupting) Who is this man you have an affair with?

MR NXUMALO: (Confused) What do you mean you didn’t mean to…

PASTOR BANDA: (Shouting) Give us a name right now!

NATASHA: (Confused) A name? Deacon, what am I here for?

MR NXUMALO: We heard that you are having an affair in the church.

PASTOR BANDA: (Shouting) Have shame!

MR NXUMALO: Is this true?


MR NXUMALO: Natasha, what have you done?

NATASHA:  I am really sorry, pastor and deacon, I sincerely am. I did not mean to disrespect your family. I fell in love and…

PASTOR BANDA: Enough! What kind of love leads you into the arms of a married man? Who is this person you speak of?

MR NXUMALO: (Shocked) What did you mean when you were talking about stabbing? Natasha? Did you kill Mlungisi?

NATASHA: (Crying) He was going to tell the church about me and…

PASTOR BANDA: (Flipping a table over) You did what?!

NATASHA: (Crying hysterically) The devil tempted me, please pastor, you must believe me.

MR NXUMALO: We must call the police. There is no other way.

PASTOR BANDA: How cruel can you be? You stabbed that young boy repeatedly and left him to die? (Dialing on his phone) I am calling the police this instant.

NATASHA: (Continues crying) Pastor please, he would have told the congregation about me and Stella.

PASTOR BANDA: (Phone ringing on loudspeaker) Stella? What do you mean Stella? Stella who?

NATASHA: Your wife.

PASTOR BANDA: (Falling back into a chair, frowning) What?

NATASHA: The person I am in love with. It’s Stella. Mlungisi found us together and listened in on our conversation, he threatened to tell the church. He shouldn’t have been there in the first place. I panicked and…

LADY 1: (Over the phone) Hazyview Police Station, how can I help?

(Silence as all three of them stare at each other)

LADY 1: (Over the phone) Hazyview Police Station, hello?

PASTOR BANDA: (hanging up the phone) My wife was there when that usher died?

Natasha: (Sobbing) Your wife is in love with me. It wasn’t her fault. I stabbed him first and he kept fighting back, she had to help me.

MR NXUMALO: Banda, what is this?

NATASHA: You can’t report me to the police, I still have the knife we used, and her fingerprints are all over the handle.


NATASHA: The choir competition is coming up; we do not want to put the church in any more jeopardy and…

PASTOR BANDA: (Panicking as his phone rings) It’s the police station, they are calling me back.