DETECTIVE MASHABA: What time did you find the body, pastor?

PASTOR BANDA: This morning as we were setting up the church, around 8:30. Mlungisi was such a good boy, I don’t know why anyone would commit such a crime against him. This was his third year as an usher for our church. All he does is make ends meet for his family and work in the church.

DETECTIVE MASHABA: What do you mean ‘we’? Who else was there?

PASTOR BANDA: (Looking around and pointing) The deacon over there and my wife. You know last year, on his birthday, Mlungisi prepared and gave out meals to the less fortunate in our community.

DETECTIVE MASHABA: Thank you pastor, you have been very helpful. I am very sorry this happened in your church. We will get to the bottom of this.

PASTOR BANDA: Thank you, detective, please do reach out if you need anything else. We also have a night watch at the church, which we can organize for them to help with your search.

DETECTIVE MASHABA: That won’t be necessary just yet, we don’t want to alarm the community. For now, please ensure that your congregants are sent home. This section of the church is officially a crime scene.

MR NXUMALO: (Walking over to the pastor and detective) Detective Mashaba (Shakes his hand) I am Mr. Nxumalo, the deacon of the church, these are such unfortunate circumstances that we meet under.

DETECTIVE MASHABA: Indeed sir (Closing his notepad)

PASTOR BANDA: Deacon, please let the ushers know that we need to send the congregants back home, we won’t be having a service this Sunday.

MR NXUMALO: (Signaling in the air) Bandile. (A bit louder) Bandile.


BANDILE: (Wiping tears from his eyes and walking over) I’m so sorry, I-

MR NXUMALO: Please be strong my boy, we need you to be. Please get Natasha, you two are in charge of letting the congregants know we don’t have a session today. We will contact Mlungisi’s family for so long.

BANDILE: (Continuing to cry) I haven’t seen her today.

DETECTIVE MASHABA: Were you close with the deceased?

MR NXUMALO: They were ushers together, that’s why he is so hurt. Imagine losing your colleague, detective. Bandile, find Natasha and send a message in our WhatsApp group chats and Facebook page.

BANDILE: Yes Dad. (Rushes off while still crying)

DETECTIVE: We will have to interview the other ushers for a lead, Mlungisi could have said something to them about someone bothering, stalking, or even insulting him. I believe your son will be of great assistance deacon. (Opening his notebook) That is… Bandile… Nxumalo, yes? May I have his cellphone number?

Mr. NXUMALO: Is that necessary? My son is already struggling with the loss of his friend, please give him time to grieve detective.

PASTOR BANDA: Indeed, the church needs at least a prayer night for comfort, please give us a chance to host prayer circles first detective.

DETECTIVE MASHABA: Friend? I thought you said they were only colleagues and-

BANDILE: (Crying hysterically) Why!??

PASTOR BANDA: (While Mr. Nxumalo hurries over to his son) This is what we mean, there is a spiritual attack on this church. May we please continue some other time detective.

DETECTIVE MASHABA: Of course, please contact us if any new information comes to light (Hands over a card with his contact details)

MR NXUMALO: (Shouting across the church) I have to take Bandile home pastor, I will rtun to the church for us to deal with that matter from yesterday. See you shortly (Leaves with Bandile)

PASTOR BANDA: We will do so detective.