(Same day/Hillbrow/ Qhubekani’ Flat. Qhubekani is sitting alone on the fire escape, he’s playing music on his phone. His phone rings, the caller I.D is unknown.)
Qhubekani: Hello.
Thabo:(On the other end of the call)Warrup jeki?
Thabo:(On the other end of the call)It’s me uThabo
Qhubekani:(Surprised/excitement)Thabo?…jeki I thought you were in Zim.
Thabo:(On the other end of the call) Eish… Qhubekani, my parents told you that neh?
Qhubekani:Yeye where are what’s happening jeki?
Thabo:(On the other end of the call)Long story jeki…I am working eBraam will send you the location, come tomorrow around 5pm my shift starts at 4pm… I will tell you everything..
Qhubekani:(Excited)Awe jeki, I nearly came with Linda to Zim to see you.
Thabo:(On the other end of the call)Cabanga…you were both gonna look stupid
(Later that day/ freeway. The ambulance is speeding through the traffic; Linda is inside squirming in pain. Two paramedics are busy with her. Her mother is holding her hand.)
Linda:(Crying in pain)My baby…untwanam please save my baby….my baby!…no Lord…please help me! My baby…no…no Qhubekani where are you, our …baby…please…no, no mama…mama!!!
Linda’s mom:(Crying but keeping her composure)It’s going to be okay sweetheart, qina Linda, nkosi yam sheshani
(Following day morning/Johannesburg hospital. Linda is stable lying in bed, talking to Qhubekani.)
Linda:(Medicated voice)The doctor said we’re very lucky…the pill didn’t harm our baby…He said my body quickly flushed it out…..
Qhubekani:Where did you get the abortion pill babe?
(Then something flashes on her mind. She remembers Dineo and the pills.)
Linda:It’s Dineo…she did this to me…
Qhubekani:(Shocked and confused)What?
Linda:(Begging voice)Please Q don’t do anything or tell anyone.
Qhubekani:(Confused)Why? She must be jailed for this, it’s attempted murder, she almost killed you and my baby.
Linda:(Begging voice)Please Q, please Q
(Qhubekani gives her a dubious node.)
(Later that day/16:57 Braamfontein. Sir Khumalo and Dineo are standing outside a fast food restaurant. Qhubekaniis standing opposite them, a Riyava route dives them. Sir Khumalo goes in the restaurant; Dineo turns to face Qhubekani’s direction. Qhubekani notices her; he quickly jumps the street to her. Thabo sees Qhubekani storm toward Dineo, he is watching this through the restaurant window in his black and white waiter uniform, he’s serving customers. Dineo is paralysed with her fear seeing Qhubekani storm towards her. Qhubekanigrabs her by both shoulders and violently shakes her.)
Qhubekani:(Angry/ violently shaking Dineo)You witch why…why…huh…you try to kill…my family…answer me. What did we ever do to you, answer meeeeee?
(Dineo is paralysed in fear to respond. Thabo runs to aid Dineo. Sir Khumalo is waiting for his order, people in the restaurant attract his attention to the squabble outside. To him it appears as though both Thabo and Qhubekani are harassing Dineo. He runs out and tries to intervene.)
Sir Khumalo:(Trying to intervene)Heyi heyi niyenzani. Stop it.
Qhubekani:(Angry/still shaking Dineo)This witch…poisoned my girlfriend….she wanted to kill them….both…
(Sir Khumalo pushes Thabo away.)
Sir Khumalo:You…took Samantha away? Where is she?
(People are beginning to circle them but keeping a safe distance. Thabo replays, Qhubekani is busy violently shaking the paralysed Dineo to hear what his friend is saying. He only sees the action between his friend and Sir Khumalo.)
Thabo: I impregnated her she has my baby.
Sir Khumalo:(Angry)Nxa!
(A Riyava is fast approaching; Thabo is standing on the edge of the curb. Sir Khumalo delivers a powerful blow, sending Thabo back into the street. The bus hits him and he dies on the scene. People scream, Qhubekani let’s go of Dineo, Sir Khumalo runs away. Dineo faints. Qhubekanislowly walks to one of Thabo’s sneakers that came off his foot when he was hit by the bus. He sees that his friend is dead, overwhelmed by silent grief he walks away.)
(Same day/hillbrow Qhubekani’s flat. Qhubekani is sitting in his bed holding Thabo’s sneaker. He remembers him and Thabo buying the sneakers, they are in a retail shop, Thabo is fitting the white sneakers.)
Thabo:(Happy)What do you think jeki, huh come on huh?
Qhubekani:(Speaking in present time)They fit you, they fitted you to your last hour…who would’ve thought that this would be your last sneakers jeki…yeah neh.
(He kisses the sneaker and gently puts it down. Getting up, he kneels under the bed and pulls out a sneaker box. Goes back where he sat, opens the box and takes a silver pistol. Studies it. A memory flashes on his mind, Thabo and Qhubekani are in their uniforms in a park, Thabo is sitting on a checkers table. A few bottle caps are missing, Qhubekani is looking for the missing bottle caps in a bin. He sees the gun, takes it to Thabo)
Qhubekani:(Showing Thabo the gun)Cava ukuthi ngitholeni?
Thabo:(Taking the gun)Wow…damn…eeh.
(Following day /still in the memory. Thabo and Qhubekani are in a forest, they have a row of cans lined up a couple of feet from them. Thabo is carrying the gun)
Thabo:(Showing Qhubekani how to use the gun)It’s easy…you see how they do it the movies…you cock, aim and fire.
(He shoots, the gun jerks him back and he misses. They both laugh in amazement.)
(Memory exit.)
Tell us: What do you think the boys are going to do with the gun?