Listen to me and always remember, your life is awesome and special. No matter what challenges you face in your lives or how shamefully you feel about yourself, or negative friends you encounter in this world as you live.
Remember, God made you special, unique and in his image.
Like oxygen, challenges and other problems will at all times be there in our lives to make us strong and help us grow spiritually, emotionally, psychologically and physically. Let’s not forget that our lives have both good and bad days. In our lives we have to experience both sides of what life is all about so as to never be deceived like Eve in the Garden of Eden. In other words, let’s not forget that for a rainbow to exist in the sky, dark clouds and heavy rains first have to do their mastery.
Let’s not forget that for a farmer to produce enough harvest for his family, he normally meets a lot of challenges, so will we with our lives. Let’s not forget that those that we call friends are only there to teach us life lessons and experiences about life.
In our lives we are meant to experience a lot of challenges that exist in this world so as to be called “Masters of this universe.” We should always be happy with the lives that the Almighty Lord blessed us with.
As a closing line, whenever we feel pain or bear suffering in our lives, we should always remember that God is like a duster to rub away the pain and undress our suffering from our hearts.