When a most valuable (as well as necessary) thing is snatched from people, then people try to find any means of accessing that particular thing. People in that intolerable state get engaged in research for alternative ways to access the thing. The methods they try to access that desirable necessity include crime.
For a live example: Internet, which is the most desirable thing and without which most of the important work cannot be done. Under that condition, WiFi access is given to people as an alternative. When mobile network internet connection was banned for some time in some areas of a country, people understood that there might be some important reasons for banning it. Some people who have a WiFi connection can access it without any problem. But when it is inaccessible to common people, they show an intolerable attitude: they cannot stop themselves from getting involved in illegal activities to access it.
Nowadays, there are many applications which are used to hack WiFi networks. Actually those applications are for the purpose of checking the security and vulnerability, and used by people to crack WPS and WPA WiFi passwords and keys. The use of those applications has been increasing day by day because of the common people who want internet access without installing their own WiFi at their homes. As these illegal applications are vulnerable, people find it so easy now to steal someone’s WiFi connection.
These doings by people are big crimes. Not only youth, but also older generations are accessing those illicit apps, and want their work to be done free of cost and easily, which must not be done. Either government or concerned authorities should do something and find some more alternatives, which are accessible to everyone who needs them, and should settle the issue as soon as possible by making the conditions neutral.