After long hours of hard work, the moment of freedom has made itself manifest. Many have got all sorts of definition pertaining the word freedom but needless to say, this was mine; the liberation of being released from work after a busy and tiresome day, going home was pretty much freedom for me.
I’m sitting in the train on my usual spot near the window. The weather is chilling and drizzling outside, water droplets splashing on the window. Call me insane but if there is or was or ever will be a thing called romantic weather I think this is it.
Or maybe my views were inspired by the couple sitting in front of me, all snuggled up. I wondered if they were married, but who cared? Their love burned like an uncontrollable veld fire caused by an erupting volcano of romance. The sight was just as amazing as being taken back in time and experiencing the era of dinosaurs, well except for the extinction part. Either way, it was breathtaking.
On my side were some kids who played by teasing and biting each other which we all know kids do and oh, how cute were they. These moments dragged my mind to a land far away, where everything is possible. I found myself in the imaginary world. Where everything is possible, when you wish to be president you can, you want to be Michael Jackson no problem all is possible in the imaginary lane.
In short what I saw is exactly what I desire, someone to love and be loved in return. I want someone who can look straight into my eyes and penetrate them straight to my soul and love me as I am. Someone who can kiss me on my cheek and lean on my chest listening to the rhythm of my heart and tell me everything is going to be alright.
That kind of a person is capable of influencing the temperature, when it’s hot she can make it snow and feel chilled and when the world is cold and dark she can cause the sun to come up at midnight and change the world into a paradise.
On the part of the kids, I’m sure you would understand. Who wouldn’t want to rush home knowing that there’s a family waiting for him to play and laugh with him and telling you that you are the best dad in the whole universe?
Well, that’s my desire. After all, I’m not the only one who feels the same way. We all feel the same way inside us. I’m not sure if I was ready for my fiction wishes to materialise into facts and reality but one thing is for sure, I desire to fall in love and have great kids someday.
Nevertheless, that can’t be further from the truth if you wonder that the earth is just a giant blue ball suspending in the atmosphere you will realise anything is possible.
I’m not afraid to die, but what does it mean to die if you never lived life at all? There’s more to life than just inhaling and exhaling oxygen and a beating heart because all these are just the evidence of life but entirely not that of living.
Why would I allow myself to be punished by many questions if there was a couple who probably had the answers I was seeking? After all the questions and answers is a game for two, so I finally opened my mouth to this couple. My open statement to them was “isn’t that admirable.”
They smiled and I even smiled even more. They came back at me saying, “Nothing is greater that love, nothing is larger than life and nothing is sweeter than the girl of my dreams lying on my chest’’.
“So how did you find the girl of your dreams?” I asked.
“I stopped looking.” He responded.
It didn’t make sense to me. I couldn’t understand what he meant. We have been fed with the information that you should always search to find but now someone comes along and tells exactly the opposite that you should quit looking.
“I have tried making a relationship work but it did exactly the opposite. I have met girls that I truly loved but they never loved me back. I have met girls that truly loved me but I never loved them in that way. So I took a break from the dating game so that I can wait for the wounds to become scars because of all the girls that ever struck my heart with an invisible lightning. At the same time trying to discover what I really wanted and what was wrong with me that no relationship survived longer than two months.” I began explaining myself to him.
“I realised that nothing was wrong with me and no fault was mine because I gave my time, attention and care to someone who needed it not from me but from someone else. Maybe that’s the excuse to cheat, I don’t know. I never gave up I always tried to be with someone but eventually, the relationship could hit a hard rock and go nowhere.” I concluded.
“You know what your problem is? You are going after looks but know these looks are just a bonus. It’s a bonus ball in a role of lottery numbers go for character and you will never go wrong” he said.
“I’m an honest young man with great virtue and I find it so hard to lie to a girl that I love her if deep down that’s not how I feel. I don’t believe in learning to love someone if you do you do and if you don’t then you don’t, even though for this reason feelings were always getting hurt but with love it’s totally worth it.” I said.
That was that I arrived at my destination and bid my farewell with them wishing nothing but happiness and more love and hoped if coincidence permits we shall see each other again. I took off and went my way running so that I don’t get wet and soaked in water because of the showering water droplets.
As always I had to go to bed early because the following day I was supposed to report for duty and the worst part of it is that tomorrow was a Sunday but still days didn’t matter I had to work always. Even though what choice does one have other than either work and earn to lock away poverty or be lazy and sleep until poverty knocks at your door.
Normally during Sundays, the train station is always empty but this time it wasn’t empty, I saw this being wearing a purple dress standing near the train tracks checking her watch as if she was getting impatient because of the train that wasn’t showing up.
Tell us what you think: Does it matter to you what the person that you’re interested in looks like?