Excited, anxious and curious to get a glimpse of my secret keeper I rush to my tiny and dingy window as it overlooked the beauty of the marigold marsh that filled our front yard. As the sun’s light began to dim, I longingly ready my telescope to capture the natural wonder in all of her true amazement. Like a distant fan, I wait eagerly to catch a sneak peek of my preferred Hollywood star.

The winged creatures of the day slowly begin to retire, as the prowling fellows of the darkness awakens to the night’s beckoning. The noisy hummingbird falls silent as she returns to her messy nest after a long day’s work. The wild wolf slyly emerges as he readies his vocals to serenade the glowing round beauty and the curious owl remains perched on the branches, as he hoots and waits for her inevitable rising.

The duel sky towers above me, streaks of golden, purple and numerous hues cowers above my lonely soul perfectly, like an ocean tide. Eager, I patiently wait for the luminous orb to chase away the world’s solitary darkness.

“Tik tock,” the sound of the clock goes by as she takes her time to appear.

“Where, oh where is that mesmerising bright lamp in the night sky?” I wonder.

The background noise of crickets chirping aloud, as the marigold sky fades to purple, navy and then indigo as I anticipate her ethereal rising. Humananity remains in suspense…

The silvery appearance of multiple astral beauties light up the obscure sky… but no one eclipses her beauty.

Silently, swiftly and elegantly she shyly peaks her head out from behind the clouds; she sets the world aglow with her famous moonshine. Gazing through the lens of my telescope, the newly birthed Dark moon greets me with a luminous glow that conceals my eyesight. A superior planet, she dazzles and humbly dances amongst the microscopic stars until she reaches her peak, only to fall down to earth until the sun mournfully conquers her. There, she faithfully places herself amongst the silvery visage of a millions stars. The enchantment of the Moon causes the rapidly passing meteors to combust into meteor showers as they stare and gaze at her astronomical wonder.

“Luna,” I whisper to myself.

“What a loyal friend you are.”

Elegantly, how she blissfully graces us with her adornment every eve, leaving every moon gazer starry-eyed.

“Oh moonlight. Radiant moonlight. What charms you posses,” I say to her. Fascinated and excited, in awe of the big round celestial object that’s placed the black sky after darkness.

I confess to her, “You confidently demand everyone’s attention during all of your 8 phases, their focus solely on YOU! The confidence you exude inspires my lonely and reclusive soul. You are the hope of light that I crave to be.”

“Like a curious astronaut, I aspire to see beyond your near earth perfection. Your untouched dusty craters, harsh winds and undiscovered mountainous hills intrigue my daydreams.”

Her presence overwhelms my fantasies, it encourages me to build castles in the air. Within her, there are plentiful undiscovered mysteries that orbit around my inventive brain, just as the earth orbits around the blazing sun. I’m forcefully drawn to this celestial beauty by her gravitational pull. Although, I may just be a shadow or a martian to the moon, like an eclipse her planetary position will always intrigue my peculiar mind .

As the night progresses and the Moon’s ever-changing position switches from wax to wane, my imagination continually finds comfort and company in the gleaming celestial body, as above me she chases away the night’s unknown darkness.