Having a moment to reflect on the past, there are 1000 things I wish I had done differently. Probably things would have turned out better, not that I am complaining about this present life. Not at all, on the contrary – I am grateful.
I cannot dwell in the past. It is history and it only serves as a reference for learning and future comparison. Do I wish I could change the past? Hell yeah. But if we could erase each time we make a mistake then what was the purpose of living? If there were only joy, pain free and peace in this world, then we could have never learnt anything.
A mistake is not a loss, unless you can relate to it. I see a new path laid ahead of me and I’m going to walk my journey with the “I can” attitude. I don’t preach about haters; I have no time for wastage. I will continue giving love and waving at everybody. It’s my hope to leave someone in a better state than I found them in.
Love or hate? Well that’s easy – I chose love. Giving up or enduring? I pick endurance. Cry or laugh? It’s too silly to even give an answer.
Look, the sun is setting, the days are slipping away and there is absolutely no time at all. Get hold of your tools and work for your future. Waiting for miracles is good but not wise. Don’t expect things to just happen, rather make them happen.
To those who I have wronged and ill-treated, I extend my sincere apology. To those who paddle me, I pour my heart in appreciation.
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