A dedication to my mother. I love you mommy, may your soul rest in peace.

She carries you for nine months then goes through a very painful period just trying to get you to see the world. Some may think she enjoys and is all excited by walking around with a huge belly with you living inside her.

You are who you are today because of her. She might not be with you in sight but her love never fades and trust me when I say it shall never die. She got sleepless nights while trying to raise you.

One person who loved you even before you were born, without seeing you she loved you. When you cried, she cried with you. She is the one person who knew what you loved before you knew it yourself. If you know who that is then you have no problem with me saying love comes naturally. I am not talking about your wife neither am I talking about your husband. She takes her time to listen to you and understand you.

Yes, sometimes she shouts and yells but that does not mean she hates you. It is her way of showing you what is right from wrong. She is no super woman but she is a hero and a perfect role model to have.

She may be illiterate but the spelling of the word love is written on her forehead. Happiness is what she wishes for you. WHO AM I TALKING ABOUT? The one who hopes for no tears of sadness but hopes for the tears of joy at all times. She might have no money but she has love, a gift that has no price tag.

Love an amazing four letter word with so much power. A person with no reason to hate, her heart is pure like white gold which has just been polished. Her love is bigger than the biggest star there is. It is hotter than the sun at its most high temperatures. She is one who bears all that life throws at her. Ohh when will she rest? I asked one and she said if it’s for the ones she loves then she will never rest and will forever be there for them.

Who is she that I speak highly of? If you have read what was mentioned above then you know who I speak of. She brought you to this world so why disrespect her? Why abuse her and most of all cause her pain and sleepless nights? I love her, do you love her?

You are a cursed somebody if she sheds a tear because of your bad habits. Do not bring bad luck upon yourself, love and appreciate the one who brought you to this world.

Yes, it is you mother that I speak of. Mother you are the best. You are one human being who deserves all the trophies. You are no superwoman but you are your children’s hero.

This is to all the mothers out there. You must know you are appreciated by your children. I respect all mothers because l know their job is not an easy one. Who is a mother? Never disrespect a person who is called ‘mother’ by someone else.

Tell us: Are you thankful for your mother?