It always felt like a dream whenever it happened. Masego never thought that the guy she cared for so much for would become someone so cruel and abusive. Masego met Thabang two years back at the park where she used to go to relax.

“Hey, beautiful, can I join you?” Thabang asked, as he looked straight into Masego’s eyes.

“Yeah sure,” she said.

Masego remembered those words deep down. She regretted bringing Thabang into her life. At first it all felt OK, but by now everything was falling apart, she couldn’t do this any more, she’d had enough of Thabang.

“Masego,” her grandmother called out for her.

She felt so ashamed to come out of her room as she did not want her grandma to see those bruises on her face, but she knew that her grandma would understand because she once said, “Masego, ngwanaka, you are the only person who can stop this; no one else will if you don’t.”

She came out of the room and said, “I’m ready, Koko,” as she wiped the tears on her cheek.

“Don’t cry, ngwanaka hle, I’m proud of you and I wish all the women out there could be able to report and set themselves free. I’m proud of you,” Koko said, as she hugged her.

They left the house and headed to the police station. Masego was scared, but at the same time she was proud to claim back her power from Thabang.

“To all the women out there, if I can do it then you can too. Let us unite and say NO to gender-based violence against women and children,” she said proudly, smiling at Koko.

Masego felt at peace and free; Thabang was going to reap what he had sewed.


Tell us: What positive feedback would you give to a woman reporting her abusive partner?