Life Advice
Help me, I’m changing!
5 days ago
Puberty… What is it and why is it so confusing? You have probably heard your teachers or parents throw this word around so casually that it feels like a joke to them, therefore they do not have to take your feelings seriously. But the fact is, that’s not true. In easily understandable terms it is…
Life Advice
The Price of Silence - Why We Must Speak Against Human Trafficking
a month ago
As Blue Campaign defines, human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labour or commercial sex act. While traffickers might use different methods, the most noticeable methods to lure victims into trafficking situations are violence, manipulation, false promises of well-paying jobs and romantic relationships. Like many stories shared…
Life Advice
What Comic Characters Teach Us
a year ago
When I was just a young comic book enthusiast, I was captivated by the awe-inspiring heroes and their unwavering dedication to using their extraordinary powers for the greater good. Like Uncle Ben wisely told Peter, the iconic Spider-Man, "With great power comes great responsibility." Witnessing these heroes embrace their responsibility ignited a deep admiration within…
Life Advice
Parent Power
a year ago
Parenthood is a remarkable journey that many of us may embark on someday, and as teenagers, it's essential to reflect on the profound impact parents have on our lives. On the occasion of the Global Day of Parents, we celebrate and honour the incredible dedication, love, and sacrifices that parents around the world make to…
Life Advice
Romance on a Budget
a year ago
Hey there, budget-conscious lovebirds! Who says you must break the bank to have a good time with your partner? Here are ten budget-friendly date ideas that will help you spark joy in your relationship without spending a fortune:​​ Go for a walk  As cliché as this may sound, taking a walk on the beach or…
Life Advice
What schools fail to teach you
a year ago
As with many young people in the country who grew up impoverished over a decade ago, the prospects of me pursuing a higher education qualification post my matric year were quite slim due to limited funding opportunities This was before the free education era, I knew there and then that my saving grace would be…
Life Advice
Forget The Facts
a year ago
I met my best friend in kindergarten when I was two years old. Over the years, she and I went to different schools and universities, became friends with entirely different groups of people and followed different life paths. She became more conservative and religious; I became more liberal and agnostic. However, whenever we came together…
Life Advice
Side Hustles to Make Your Wallet Happy
a year ago
Have you ever heard the saying, 'money's too tight to mention'? I am familiar with it because I have personally experienced financial struggles like many other young people. I have faced difficulties in affording data, airtime, or simply hanging out with friends. In light of this, I have created a list of job suggestions to…