Style Secrets
Skin Cycling
11 months ago
In the vast world of beauty and skincare trends, a recent buzz has been around skin cycling. Popularised by dermatologist Dr Whitney Bowe on TikTok, this nighttime skincare routine focuses on using fewer products in a specific way to achieve healthier-looking skin. Let's delve into the routine and explore what experts have to say about…
Style Secrets
Having your best Glow up
11 months ago
Have you ever experienced a glow-up? You know, that amazing process of positive personal transformation that involves changes to your appearance and style and even boosts your confidence? It's all about embracing who you are, making healthy changes physically and mentally, and being happy in your own skin. I had the chance to chat with…
Style Secrets
Thrifting or Vintage Shopping?
a year ago
As a teen or young adult, you might be wondering how you can make a positive impact on the environment while still enjoying fashion. The good news is that there is a growing trend of thrifting and vintage shopping in South Africa that allows you to do just that! One of the biggest benefits of…