How to
Immune-boosting natural remedies
a year ago
It has been cold, really cold, and now more than ever we experience symptoms of flu or the common cold. So, how do we combat them? Going to the doctor can be expensive and sitting for hours at the day hospital is no one’s idea of fun. If you are not seriously ill, and just…
How to
How to stand up for yourself
2 years ago
If you’re shy and timid, standing up for yourself can seem like something out of your comfort zone and may seem unfamiliar. However, in certain situations, if you don’t stand up for yourself, people can walk all over you. Being assertive, which is simply being more confident, and standing up for yourself may take time,…
How to
New year, new me! Healthy eating on a tight budget
2 years ago
More than ever before, people of all ages and walks of life are choosing to lead a heathier lifestyle in terms of their physical wellbeing and daily nutrition. Having the internet at our fingertips means we’re more conscious of the nutritional value of the food we put into our bodies. Unfortunately, the wealth of information…
How to
How to stay fit on a budget
2 years ago
Fitness can be seen as a luxury in a country where many people don’t know what their next meal will be. Perhaps this is why, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), almost 40% of South Africans are physically inactive. But fitness is an important part of health, which is why in this blog we…
How to
Ke December on a limited budget
2 years ago
It's that time of the year when we spend, spend and do some more spending. It's the festive season; we look forward to the best clothes and food. It's a time to celebrate Christmas, the new year, with the ones you love the most. But Januworry is also around the corner, a season for food,…
How to
How to make crumbly mielie pap
2 years ago
There is something primeval about mielie pap. Well, there is something ancient and basic and satisfying about all starches that serve as the backbone of meals in cultures around the world. That which accompanies whatever sauce or stew or condiment being served in most ordinary homes, is what fills the tummy and leaves you with…
How to
Here’s what you can do to beat exam stress
2 years ago
The exams are around the corner, and you are feeling stressed out. You can't seem to concentrate enough to study, or sleep properly, or think of anything else. What if you mess up? What if you fail? And is it just you getting stressed out by the thought of exams, or does everyone feel this…
How to
How to make butternut soup
2 years ago
Enjoy this recipe for Amanda’s you-betcha-it’s-just-butternut Butternut soup! One winter, when my now-husband and I were still getting to know each other, I invited him to my place for supper. On the menu was butternut soup. I had at that time only recently perfected the dish and was confident and keen to demonstrate my skills…