Let Mandela Rest this Mandela Day
2 weeks ago
As Born-Frees, we are often scathing in our critique of the Rainbow Nation and those who ushered it in. We bemoan and callously deride the works of Nelson Mandela, particularly. "He sold us out. We achieved political freedom but not economic freedom," we say. While these sentiments remain true and are important in our quest…
GNU: Government of National (Dis)Unity
4 weeks ago
For the last two weeks, we have been inundated with news and speculation about the proclaimed Government of National Unity, led by the ANC (African National Congress) and nine other political parties. In this article, I will break down some key points you need to know about what this means (and doesn't mean) for us.…
Hope is Not a Strategy
a month ago
There is a lot to be concerned about in South Africa. Many things are falling apart at the same time—the Departments of Social Development, Education, Health, etc, all on the verge of ruin. Politicians, public officials, and ‘the market’ govern us, but they are far removed from the reality of the majority of South Africans.…