After church, Nothando stands talking to her church friend Sduh, who comes from the same rural area as her.

“Good to see you, Nothando. Where have you been all this time? I haven’t seen you here for a while. You look good by the way … but your makeup looks too much for church.”

“Thanks for the compliment, Sduh.”

“How are your foster parents doing?”

“They are doing good, I guess. I haven’t spoken to them for a while.”

“Oh really? Why, what happened?”

“Nothing too serious. I’m staying with my friend from college – Precious. Do you remember her?”

“Of course I do. And how’s Sipho? When is he making the engagement official? Remember you have to invite the church to the party; we’re so excited for you.”

“Yes I know. It’s just that … I don’t know when it will happen. I am dealing with a lot of things at the moment and planning the engagement party is not one of them.”

“That doesn’t sound too good. You understand that you shouldn’t make the poor guy wait if he’s made up his mind about his plans for you?”

“Yes, I know that Sduh. It’s just that … I’m kind of like … having second thoughts about getting married.”

“Aibo! Last time I saw you, all you talked about was the announcement party and how excited you were about marrying Sipho. Tell me the truth friend. What is changing your mind all of a sudden?”

Nothando hesitates to tell Sduh because she knows he will not approve.

“I’m … seeing someone else.”

Sduh is shocked. “Ngobani (Why)? Nje Sipho is a good guy!”

“He is a good guy, and he respects me, but he cannot take care of me financially. He’s got a lot of needs of his own and everyone is depending on him in his home, so I can’t deal with that.”

“That is not good, Nothando. You can’t leave him because of that!”

“And he lives in Cape Town and I am here, alone.”

“You are going to regret this, Nothando. That’s all I am saying.”

Before they finish talking, a black Mercedes Benz pulls up at the church gate. Nothando is panicking.

“I’ve got to go, Sduh. This is my lift home. See you next Sunday.”

Sduh looks shocked to death as Nothando walks towards the fancy car.


Nothando is not impressed with what she sees. Joe looks nothing like she imagined him. He is an old man in his fifties, very dark in complexion, and with a huge belly.

But anyway she is already in the car, and Joe is obviously excited to see this beautiful young girl beside him. Nothando is already thinking of tricks to get out of this car. She is feeling so uncomfortable.

What if people see me with this man who is old enough to be my grandfather? I must find a good reason to take myself out of this situation.

She quickly texts her friend Precious.

Hi chomi please call me, pretend you’re very sick and you want me to come home now. I can’t stay any longer with this man, he is too old for me. #rescue vibes


Tell us: Do you think Nothando can escape?