“Looks like Asante is in love here.” Zack smirked.
“Asante just crushed heavily on the girl, zahahaha!” Thanda supported Zack.
Asante clicked his tongue, unhappy with their comments. He went up to them and said in frustration: “No, that’s not me. You’re both crazy to believe that.” He left the room.
“Whoa…relax, dude. Where to?” Zack asked without care.
“Going back to the principal to give him his things back!” Asante answered in the corridor, louder than necessary.
“Alright man, and what about the thief?” Zack queried.
“Talk to Ted and Thanda about what will happen to the thief. Otherwise, I’ve to go back to school!” Asante replied angrily.
The three boys frowned; what their head-boy was hinting at was never clear. He surely left them without a leader.
After Asante’s footsteps had completely disappeared from the building, Zack looked back at Annika. “Girl, how can you be so pretty and a thief at the same time?” he asked, licking his thick dark lips as he stepped towards her.
Thanda untied his leather belt and approached Annika from behind Zack. They flirted with her again: Zack grabbing her hips again and Thanda forcefully kissing her hard on the lips.
Annika choked and Ted noticed Thanda was putting his tongue too much in the girl’s mouth.
“Thanda, stop.” Ted pushed Thanda away from Annika.
“F*ck you, man,” Thanda cussed, and pushed Ted away in retaliation.
The impact was so strong that Ted’s round glasses fell off. When Ted picked up the glasses from the concrete floor, Annika noticed that Ted had blue eyes and pointy ears, just like her. She also noticed slowed heart beats and the smell of pine forest coming from his armpits. But she couldn’t help but scream as Thanda came back for her mouth.
“Somebody help me!” she cried.
“Wow, she does talk, eh?” Zack appeared to be surprised by her sharp voice which almost split his ears.
Outside, Asante was strolling away with burning coals of anger on his head when Annika’s cry came begging on his ears. With care he turned and returned.
“For the sake of justice, let’s enjoy this thief,” said Thanda, not noticing Asante glaring at him from behind.
“She seemed mute. I’d think she won’t report us to anyone.” Zack rubbished. “Anyway, take your clothes off, girl.”
Ted had foreseen Asante’s return and decided to warn the two accomplices in the act. “Guys, please stop making a fuss. Asante is back,” he whispered good enough for them.
Zack and Thanda turned to see Asante at the door frame.
“Really?” Asante put his hands on his waist in disbelief. “You’re idiots for wanting to gang rape that girl. What you’re about to do is more punishable than what she did.”
Zack and Thanda grinned in embarrassment as Ted stepped back in horror although he was innocent.
“Get away from her!” Asante shouted as he approached Annika.
Zack and Thanda didn’t hesitate to step off Annika. Then Asante put his arm around Annika’s shoulders and said: “It was a mistake for my friends to treat you like that. Let’s have a nice truce. Do you want to hear it?”
Annika was busy knuckling off her tears, still she multi-tasked—she nodded her head yes.
“Good.” Asante appreciated her nod. “The truce is…if you promise not to report to Police any misdeeds my friends may have done to you, I’ll forgive and release you. Agree?”
Annika nodded again in agreement, sniffling.
Asante smiled at her, but his lips were cut off by her kiss—she kissed him precisely on the lips and stormed out of the room.