I’m always asking myself
why me?
And I remember the days when I was told to say
Try me,
I thought I could do that
Wow me!

Silly question
Silly memory
And a silly thought

Now it’s me
Waking from tormented sleep
The pain is victimizing me
I’m being tortured and persecuted by it all
Lord, why me?

Sometimes I just go out in the middle of the
Look up to the skies,
Contemplate the stars,
Observe the moon,
And shout out loudly…

Lord why me?
I yell,scream,shriek and cry
But it helps not
Because I get no answer.
Other times I hold the gleaming knife
In my shaking hands
Put it on my throat,
Conceptualise the pain

It must be very agonising
So,now that I’m
tired of the trying,
I’ve had enough of the crying
Yes I’m smiling
while inside I’m dying.

Please don’t tell me to be strong,
Just retain your allusion… It’s useless
Sorry,if that hurts
But it’s the truth,
Your endeavor would be unavailing

Dipotso,questions… I mean imibuzo ayipheli.