V-no buts! Go now(close the car)what just did i do to myself(drive)
Jm-sir!! I’ll never leave u alone sir!(drive a car to and follows Tae)
V-(drived fast)my family is waiting on me..(drunk sound)
Jm-sir are driving fast!(saw a big truck)SIR!!!
V-oh shΒ‘t..(crash)
Jm-(stops and go to Tae)mr.kim! Wake up u had an family! Don’t leave them!
V-ji..jimin(smiles)te..tell my fa..family th..that i lo..love them ve..very mu..much(closing eye)
Jm-sir wake up!!(cried)help us!(call ambulance)
Tae is on hospital Jimin is panicking as much
Jm-(call u)
Y/n-uh? Jiminah,What’s the matter?
Jm-si..sir ta..taehyung got ac..accident o..on ca..car(nervous)
Y/n-(phone fall with ur shock face and ran to hospital with ur children)
On hospital
Y/n-what happen to my husband!?(tears falling)
Jm-he got ca..car accident
Y/n-bcuz why!?(u shout sadly)
Jm-he.. w..was dru..drunk while dri..driving i’m sorry Mrs.Kim! I didn’t save him!(cry)
Y/n-(u sit down on floor)n..no!(u cried hard)
Woon-mom? Why ur crying?(btw noona is on car with the driver)
Doc out
Y/n-(u stand up)do..doc! How’s my husband!?
Doc-sorry ma’am but..we can’t do anything we tried but we can’t sorry
Y/n-nooo!(u cry hard)
Woon-(understand what it says)da..daddy?
Y/n-no!! Noo! Pls doc! Don’t do this!(u beg)
Doc-oh btw,(give u a paper)he gave u this we thought he’ll alive,but he lost his all blood whole writing this paper ma’am.Excuse me(leaves)
Y/n-pa..paper(u open it and read)
The Paper:
Dear Y/n and our Kids too,i’m happy all the memories we had when i’m by ur side now i’m die sorry i got drunk and drive fast pls take care especially to our two babies i love you y/n my sweetheart,
From:Kim Taehyung
Y/n-(u cried and cried)
Jm-(hugs u)it’s okay at least mr.kim is on good place now(btw this is only imagine! Not to true ok?)
On Funeral day
Woon-daddy! Get up in there!(cry)
The End sry it only lilππ’
I’m so sorry for the sad ending I was crying writing this π’ π