6 Responses
Nthabi · 11 years ago
Naledi · 12 years ago
N. · 12 years ago
The narrative is so moving. Madoda, you write with such great integrity of both liberation and compassion. I am transformed and challenged in this book.I am gonna keep this book as a testimony that we really can make a difference.Thank Mr Gcwadi, there is much to be motivated by in liberating story!
Melihlanga Ntiyantiya · 13 years ago
I am very moved by the stories in the book. All have shaped my life as a result I do not see a white person as a victimiser. Yes some are but now I know that I must not generalised. I have learn to embrace everyone. It is sad that we cannot change ourselves as South Africans. Anyway thank you Canada and Volunteer Center for bringing the visitors in our country. Keep writing Mr Gcwadi. We need life giving literature written by our own people.
Nondumiso Mkonto · 13 years ago
Great book that touches the elements of unity and diversity. It is a source of inspiration to South Africans who seek to find ways of making a real Rainbow Nation. The apartheid laws have divided the human race and it is difficult for all races to live together. The Whites are too scared to live in the townships. In this book, twenty Canadians came and settle in Khayelitsha. They came to change Khayelitsha but to their suprise, they were changed by humility and gentless of the community. In this book dare to change, they share their experiences when they were living in the township. This book is a must read because it is a mirror to us as South Africans, yes we can live together and acknowledge what we are doing to each other as a nation. Thank you brother Madoda, for your contribution.
Thandikhaya Ncosani · 13 years ago