“He seems like a nice boy.” My mother says the minute I walk in, “Yeah he is.” I remove the jacket from my shoulders as I walk in my room with a stupid smile on my face.

I never allowed myself to open up to another person, not when I didn’t know if I will be able to get to see the next day.

I always hated the thought of dating, of letting another person see me at my vulnerable state and I often wondered if maybe they will stay or end up leaving because they can’t stand seeing a sick person who is constantly undergoing any kinds of treatment to help lessen the tumor.

And now, well now my heart is full of joy that I never knew even existed in the first place. I kick off my shoes and let my eyes drop close as sleep engulfs me.


It has been 3 days since I last saw Mbongeni, I’m not sure what I was thinking, I mean the dude doesn’t even have my numbers, but I am still mad.

I am not even sure why I am mad. In just a couples of days I found myself craving for his presence, for his lame dad jokes and just his mile that makes his dimples pop out.

I expected him to come knocking on my door, but he didn’t, every knock that was made I jumped thinking it was Mbongeni when it was not even him. I pick up one slice of bacon and chewed on it, the sudden loss of appetite that I now have I am not even sure if it is because of the cancer or because of just missing Mbongeni.

My phone dings with a message from Facebook 1 new message it read.

I quickly opened my Facebook and a huge smile appeared on my face as I see Mbongeni Z Nxumalo. “You are one hard person to find.” His message read. I quickly ran to my room and lay on the bed and went through his pictures and boy he has lived one adventurous life making me feel a little bit of jealousy.

“And you finally found me, like a true serial killer😂” I added a laughing emoji and the words typing played on my screen in just a few second “Are you busy? I want to take you out.”

I quickly sat up “No I am not busy.”

“Good I’ll be there in 10.”