“And when last did I see you get all dressed up and ready to go out?” My mother asked as she stood on the doorway with a smile on her face. “So, who’s the guy you are going out with.”

“Who said it’s a guy?” I asked putting on my lipstick.

“Oh it’s definitely a guy, not when you all dressed up and looking this beautiful.”

“His name is Mbongeni.” I say taking my small clutch bag and kiss my mother on the cheek “I’ll see you later.” I said, I looked at the time and this time I am not late. I am not exactly a very punctual person but this time I at least made an effort.

I arrivedl at the restaurant five minutes after 7 but that’s not too bad at least not in my books. And the place is packed with people. I look around and there at the far corner I see Mbongeni and our eyes meet he smiles and walks over “I thought you would stand me up.”

“Not when I’ll be getting free food.”

He laughs and again it was followed by a cough. “I got us a table with a perfect view.”

“You look beautiful.”

“You too.” I said placing my clutch bag on the table. “I ordered you a cola I hope that’s okay?” I nod as I look at the made up stage where the singer just got in and did a little intro before starting to sing.

The rest of the night was spent listening to the wonderful woman’s voice as she sang and Mbongeni who I thought I would never enjoy his company, but I surprisingly found myself laughing at his lame jokes.

“Thanks,” I said as we walked out of the restaurant “I had fun.” He smiles as he places his jacket over my shoulders as he stuffs his hands on his pockets “I had fun too, thanks for joining me.”

“Will I see you again?” He asks not looking at me as if he has gone shy in just a few seconds. “I guess it confirms that you are not a serial killer so yeah maybe you will see me again.” I say pushing him with my shoulder.

“And this is my stop.” I say as I stand outside the gate and smile as I see my mother peeping though the window “And thanks again.” I say opening the gate. “Keep the jacket, you will give it to me when we meet again.”

“Okay.” I wave him goodbye as I got inside.