The evil scientist has finally produced the biggest mammals from his advanced evolution machine, thanks to his ultimate bugs with oversized heads. Everybody is laughing like humans; two male chimpanzee’s standing upright 12feet tall and three times bigger are talking about meeting their friends back at the wild. “I miss Doris back in Congo. Do you still think she still remembers me brother?”

The king cobras are now big as ancient dragons, comparing 9their bad looks in the mirror.

“I got to admit it, I still have the looks!” The three mice, which look like full grown wolfs, are laughing at the bugs. “How do you see everything with so many eyes?”

Other evolutionary first generations were 2 male jackals, 1 female Leopard, 1 male fish eagle, 4 female beavers, 1 female dragon lizard, 1 male gorilla and Rooney, the big brown bear, still in his cage while everybody has evolved. The evil scientist is waiting for his second last creature, a dragon lizard in evolution machine as red gas came out from the mechanism.

“Welcome my dear creature. This is your father from now on,” the 5feet tall scientist came out expeditiously to mobilize its new status. The evil scientist made his evil laugh then looked into the beast’s cage then approached it. “I won’t grab your neck out like the rest. You already know better.”

The evil scientist unlocked the cage then stepped back. Everybody went silent for the brown bear slowly making its way to the door, pushed it open with its shoulders, paused to look at everyone, continued to walk towards the advanced evolutionary machine. When it reached its entrance it stopped to stare at the second evolutionary machine.

“No, Rooney that machine is for humans. It also put’s their life in jeopardy. Each week they should inject themselves with the blue light chemical to stimulate new cells which exhaust quickly. It won’t do you good boy!”

When the evil scientist finished addressing the big brown bear, it took it’s time to enter the 6.8 evolutionary machine. The evil scientist closed the door; the 3 mice pressed the small red button instead of the bug employees. The laboratory turned red as everybody gazed on the mechanism.


In the national road Ken is 100km away from Dr Ferguson’s house re-dialling TIA’s digits. “Give me the SUV back up now!” with his left hand Ken rushed the agent sitting next to him with a laptop to hurry up with the information.

“Newtown. Nervy Street, 599”

“Did you get that?”

“Newtown. Nervy Street, 599.” A female voice said.

“Send in the top dogs!” he barked and dropped the phone to look at the driver. “How much time do we have?”

“Destination is 35 minutes away,”

“Then make it within 20 minutes.”

The cars rang the police alarm to speed easily passed the traffic as vehicles made way for them.

Tom is kicking dust on his way hiking, 3 cars without luck, until a truck stopped by him. He was saved by an old truck driver smoking, cement load was packed at the back of the truck, and Tom climbed up the passenger seat with his school bag.

“Good afternoon sir, thanks for the ride,”

“Don’t I know you, son?” the driver asked. Tom smiled looking at the long road then turned his head back at him.

“If you heard about a cockroach making headlines then you’re looking at his friend,” the truck driver laughed, launching the turbulent engine sound to get back at the road.

“I thought my 3 year old daughter was crazy when she started talking to birds outside,” he said and Tom laughed alongside him.


The evolutionary machine finally stopped as gas blew off by the entrance. The buttons went green as the red lights turned off in the lab.

“Everybody, let’s welcome my long time organism,” Fred unlashed the beast going backwards elapse open arms of the evil scientist. Rooney bulged down his head up straight progressing down from the trembling machine by foot. Stood upright a few steps ahead, and gazed upon his fellow companions. At the scale of 25 foot tall the mad looking face turned its head towards the evil scientist playing with its sharp claws.

“From now on… Call me Gibeon, all the other animals agreed.” The bear roared.

“You can go and become like one of us.” The bear offered.

“Yes! Let me take my place as the new ruler of the universe,” while smiling, Gibeon watched the evil scientist executing his hilarious walk.

The evil scientist went to the extreme evolutionary machine, took a deep breath at the entrance before him then went in followed by a slamming door. Rooney looked at the mice then signalled a go ahead with his head. The lights turned dark blue as the mechanism operated it. Gibeon made his way to the sealed big red light button protected by a strong magnetic glass located in the middle of the data processing operators to stand next to it. The animals in the lab went crazy making their nature uproar noise from the wild.

The evil scientist shouted “NO!” next to the mechanism window as the blue gas filled the interior. Gibeon looked at him with a smile then sent a wink. He unleashed the red light ultimate button which has never been used before and placed his heavy paws on top of it.

The lab quivered numerously as the roof expanded in between. Animals examined silently above the sky until the ground stopped oscillating. The enormous bowl that was used by the evil scientist to cook the evolutionary chemical was realised into large portion of red light smoke dispersing into the atmosphere.

“Freee doooom!” shouted Lindsey, the female dragon lizard, as she gazed upon the sky.


Tell us: What do you think the scientist was turned into?