My eyes were welcomed by the handsome sight of Ayabonga putting on a tie the following morning and oh boy did he not look handsome.
He flashed me a smile and turned around “How do I look?” He asked making me to smile “You look dazzling.”
“Oh yeah?” He asked coming over to me and leaned forward as if to kiss me.
As he was about to dip down and kiss me I stopped him and covered my mouth “I have not brushed my teeth.”
He smiled “It doesn’t matter.” He said as he removed my hand and kissed me.
“You are beautiful.” He said as he brushed my cheek and stood up “I made you some breakfast.”
I nodded and shouted “Good luck.” As he walked out of the door, even though he grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth he asked his parents not to do anything for him after high school he wanted to learn to stand for himself and if he needed some help he will definitely tell them.
Even though he worked 2 jobs just to put himself in school, he manged to get a scholarship and managed to get good marks and now ever firm wanted to work with him on their team.
I laid back on the sbow white sheets and smiled, I can’t remember the last time I genuinely smiled.
I spread my arms on the sheets and sighed a sigh of relief as I felt the soft sheets on my skin.