
I sat outside my beds room balcony letting the sub bathe me. I was slowly getting used to this life that I was forced into.

Ndumiso’s schedule I already knew it by heart, he comes into my room at the wee hours with no knock. He comes 3 times in a week but this times there were no tears coming out, there was only anger that was left inside me fearing that one day it will engulf and let me explode.

There at the distance was Shwan looking spectacular in one of his many tailored suits, this time it was purple and boy did he look good in purple, he had the air arrogance but it fitted him to a tee. In everything he does he calm, and has no reaction.

As if he can feel my stare, his eyes didn’t wonder about they landed right at me. Like any other day I could not tell what he was thinking, his facial expression did not betray not even for a second.

After a very long minute the he took his gaze away from as he got inside the a blue BMW, with Ndumiso following him in.