Archive for the ‘Just trendi’ Category
True Love – What Does It Mean?
Posted byWe cannot touch, feel or see love. When I think of love a popular bible verse comes to mind and that is 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it does not keep record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always trusts, always perseveres. Love never fails.”
Like Versus Love
Today we are living in the 21st century and love has become a fuzzy idea in our minds. We need to define what does “like” mean and what does “love” mean. Like is described as feeling an attraction, it speaks to the physical. You find that a person likes the other because of their physical appearance and features. Like is dependent on conditions. Liking is conditional. Like is like infatuation it quickly vanishes away like vapor.
Love, on the other hand, is different, love is defined as feeling a deep affection for someone. Love is both spiritual and emotional, it is something that is intangible that is difficult to sense that easily. Love can be shown in deeds and actions, words are not enough to assure the next person that you love them. It’s your actions that reveal to a person that you love them. So next time you are confused, know that there is a fine line between love and like, never confuse the two.
Turia Pitt and Michael’s love story: A true Fairytale
In my own opinion, Turia and Michael’s love story sounds like a fairytale. Turia is a well-known celebrity who is a model. She came to South Africa one time to run in the ultramarathon in Kimberly. Not knowing that she will be caught up in a grass fire that would burn 65% of her body. Causing her to lose her fingers and thumb on her right hand and spend five months in hospital this is according to an online report on Chloe’s blog.
Michael, Turia’s boyfriend sacrificed his job to take care of her. That is true, sacrificial and unconditional love. He did not just fall in love with the idea that she was a model and became attracted to her physical body. Michael was not just in love with her pretty face, he loved Turia’s beautiful soul. Unfortunately love like this is rare to find. Love nowadays is more about hook ups, there was a time love was about writing love letters but today love is more about texts. Love nowadays is more about sex than intimacy. People lack spiritual connection with one another.
Today’s Value of Love
Like currency the love of today has dropped to zero. Today love is overshadowed by the concept of blessers. A blesser according to many definitions online describes a blesser as someone, usually an older man or woman who provides things like money, expensive gifts and luxurious trips to young women or men for sexual pleasures. Love has become more transactional these days, it’s more of what can I get from you instead of how can we treat each other better in this relationship.
Is it possible to find true love in the 21st century?
Love is a rare gift, when you find it, treasure it. One thing I can say about love these days is that its little things that count. One of the important things ladies should do is to stop self-sacrificing themselves and be needy in order to be accepted, but should have a philosophy that they don’t need to seek for true love, true love will find them.
Tell us: What does true love mean to you?
Peer Pressure, Social Media and Cyber Bullying
Posted byPeer pressure? It’s everywhere. We’re all faced with it some way or another. I’ve been there before too… quite too many times in fact.
Cyber bullying, in short, is being bullied through social media. In the old days, people got picked on face to face, shoved around and bullied. But being bullied behind your screen through social media is just as bad. Today, we get hurt by the words of others, rumours being spread and nasty things being said. Sometimes even by the very ones we called friends.
Peer pressure is being pressured to do the things you don’t really want to do but in fact feel compelled to do simply because everyone else is doing it. Likewise, peer pressure can also be influenced through social media. Social media was never meant to be a negative tool, but society has caused it to be just that.
There are so many benefits of social media, especially through a business point of view, social media is a great platform, and it continues to be just that. Let’s not forget the amazing advantage of being able to link up with friends and loved ones whom we haven’t seen in ages. Social media makes it possible to connect within minutes.
But there are still those negative factors about social media that are tools being used for peer pressure and even cyber bullying.
We compare ourselves to others, the latest trends, the “on fleek” trend setting, the constant likes and flame comments. But what about the person who isn’t even on Instagram or Facebook? We label them nerds. Is that fair?
Trends change. The way it was in the 70s would be ridiculous to wear now in the 20s. Likewise, don’t run after what the latest brand is, because it will change. Don’t feel pressured to get what everyone else has. Be content with what you do have.
Don’t feel pressured to be like that girl with the 1k likes, that perfect pout and bright eyes on her selfie is a “filter”. We are all beautiful and unique in so many different ways. Diversity is absolutely beautiful. Don’t cover up your freckles, embrace it! Don’t think for a minute your teeth are skew, at least you’ve got teeth so use it and smile. The Kardashian family spends millions trying to look perfect, what you see on the magazine covers is not legit. Don’t compare yourself to it.
I use to get bullied at school because of my height. I was so tiny and skinny. I would be tripped in the hallways going to class, girls would call me anorexic, it hurt and I would wish that I could be taller and gain more weight, but that’s not how I was structured and today, I am not defined by those words.
When a negative comment comes your way, delete it and never let it make you feel inferior. Yes, it hurts. But those comments, those remarks, and those nasty looks they give you do not define who you are. If you are that young girl or boy who thinks you’re not enough, let me tell you now – you are enough. You have a future ahead of you, you can do anything you put your mind to.
Tell us: How has social media affected the way you see yourself?
A week before Valentines Day: How to cope if you’re single
Posted byWhere my single people at? Being single on Valentine’s Day, a blessing or a curse?
Hello my beautiful, lovely people. It’s that time of the year again, where cupid is at work. But what if you’re single? Whoever said that only people in relationships deserve to have fun on Valentine’s Day was lying. Singles can have their own fun too. You know, being single myself, I find that, there is nothing more satisfying than a human being who is able to be comfortable and happy in their own skin.
The first thing you can do on Valentine’s Day is to send yourself some chocolates. Yes! I said it dammit! Send some expensive “Ferrero Rocher” chocolates to yourself. Even if it’s a bunch of flowers! I don’t care who says what, you’re worth it. Valentine’s Day is a day of love for everybody, now why should that not include you?
Which brings me to our next fun activity: take yourself out, baby! To my ladies: you don’t need a man to take you out to a romantic candle lit dinner for you to feel special. And to my fellas: you don’t need a lady to enjoy yourself. They say, there’s something sexy about a person who can enjoy their own company. Therefore, if you are currently not in a relationship, you might want to enjoy this last little bit of time that you have left. It might just be your last, before you end up meeting your perfect match and then you’re hitched and out of the market for good.
Make the most of your day. I don’t care what you do, whether you write yourself a love letter or a poem, go to the park and read a book or go down to the lake and go canoeing. It’s all up to you. As long as you wake up and make your day count, have fun and do something exciting as long as it brings you enjoyment and fulfilment. So what if you’re single? It’s probably for a good reason because a lot of people are in relationships they are not happy in, so it might be a blessing in disguise. Embrace it!
Call a few of your friends over and have a singles party. Having a little singles get together, as a group of single friends, can do one wonders. Nothing cures loneliness like having friends around. We all know there’s nothing quite like having a good time with friends over some wine and good food. You and your friends might even decide that you want to go out and paint the town. Hell! Do whatever feel’s right to you. After all, this is your life that we are talking about. Whatever you do, make sure you laugh it up, treat yourself, you could catch up with someone you miss. Just do something, because at the end of the day, you are the CEO of your life.
It can be a bummer to be single on Valentine’s Day, but only if you allow it to be. You deserve to be happy, with or without a partner, so do everything in your power to make this day a positive occasion.
Tell us: What do you think, is it perfectly fine to be single on Valentine’s Day?
Independence – To soar like an Eagle
Posted byIndependence is part of growing up. Being independent is one of the most difficult decisions to make, especially if you are used to your parents supporting you financially. Imagine an eaglet: an eaglet faces the most difficult phase of its life, having to learn to stand on its own and be independent of its mother – the first step of the eaglet’s independence is to learn to fly. To help the eaglet learn to fly, its mother removes the twigs from the nest and pushes the eaglet, compelling it to fly.
This is similar to our human experience. Our parents guide us throughout our infancy stage to young adulthood stage. But when it’s time for us to be independent, our parents allow us to grow on our own. They are only there to support us for the steps we take. When standing on your own two feet it’s important that you are ready. Do not do things immaturely and haphazardly, because you are going to struggle with adjusting to being on your own.
It’s also important to get your own job and not be dependent on your parents’ income for survival. Consider having your own job and living on your own as a way of developing as a person. Independence is an important milestone, it requires character. Make choices that you will not regret, for example going wild and taking risky behaviour, just because you are living on your own and there will be no one who will say no to you.
Becoming independent is a great opportunity to learn new things about yourself – enjoy it, it’s exciting. However it’s important to know what to do in order to be able to stand on your two feet.
Here are some tips for you to achieve independence successfully:
Prepare yourself:
Preparation is important, don’t do things haphazardly. Preparation helps you to deal with all the hustle involved with living on your own and being independent.
Get organised:
After you have prepared yourself for standing on your own two feet, you must find out what you need and put it together. Don’t be afraid to ask for help before stepping on your own.
Adapt well to change:
Develop an open-mind, and be receptive to others’ ideas. Learn to smile and attract people who will build you up for the better. Make a circle of friends who are going to exert good influence on you.
Look for a job to support yourself:
One of the primary things about independence is getting a job. A job will help you support yourself and help you to pay the bills. Avoid being in debt; be disciplined when it comes to spending money. Get into the saving habit – you won’t regret it.
Choose a great lifestyle:
People think being independent is doing as you please because no one is going to say it’s wrong. Some people see it as a time to party hard or engage in risky behaviour. Actually, being independent is a time to take responsibility and to be accountable. It is time to take well informed decisions.
Use it as a learning curve:
One of the things to learn when you are independent is to learn more about yourself and how you react to situations; you learn how to deal with challenges. You learn about things that makes you grow as a person. You also learn interpersonal skills because being independent enables you to meet new people and make new friends.
Grow up:
Independency requires maturity. The decisions you are making needs to reflect that you are growing as an individual. Being independent is also time to be careful about peer pressure from friends or letting them make decisions for you. Be adult enough to make your own decisions. But ask for advice when you need guidance. Support from family is still very important.
Tell us: What does independency mean to you?
Failure is not a Barrier
Posted byIf you are the kind of a person who sees positivity in every negativity, you’ll never get discouraged. However, If you are easily put down by failure, you will have a difficult time reaching your goals.
There are many different ways in which people define failure, but what’s important is for you to define it in the way that will groom you into reaching your dreams. If you look at it as not a failure, but a learning experience. There are many ways in which you can bring your dreams to life. If you convince yourself that you are a tributary, it doesn’t matter where you begin or how slowly you flow, in the end, you will reach the river.
It is that time of the year when the class of 2017 begin to reap what they sowed in 2016. South Africa is watching you guys. Your families, friends and neighbours are interested in knowing whether you passed or failed your matric. The pressure gets overwhelming, no matter how confident you are about your results. For some people, to simply know if someone got through grade 12, is not enough. They want to know how many distinctions you got, and if none, they express their disappointment. As if they did better in their schooling, you ask? Who are they to judge?
If you failed your matric, do not beat yourself up about it. Every successful person you know has failed at some point in their life. But, what distinguishes these people from the rest? They interpret failure as a step forward. Instead of taking their ‘failures’ lying down and reminiscing about their misfortunes, they dust themselves off and try different approaches as they move forward in their lives.
The most common mistake to make is to get caught up in negative thoughts like: “What will people say about my failure? What are they saying about me behind my back? How am I going to face them if I fail in the future?”
What other people think of you is their business, not yours. You will never control how someone else sees you. Don’t waste your energy on trying to please someone else, rather focus on what you think went wrong, and work on correcting it. Do not be embarrassed to tell people that you’ve failed. Only when you accept and talk about it, will you get the strength to move forward.
There’s a guy I know who did his matric in 2015. He attended after-school classes during the week and Saturday classes on weekends. He was an exemplary boy in his neighbourhood. When the results came the following year, people asked him the question they believed they already had the answer to. When he told them that he had failed matric, they did not believe him. The time passed, universities opened, but he was still seen at home. When it became apparent that the guy was not deceiving them, the word on the street was: “You’d think someone is going to school to learn, only to find out he’s just fond of his desk.”
This guy could have taken his own life or lived in isolation. But he did not, he moved on with his life. His neighbours saw him leaving home at noon and returning in the twilight. They never bothered to ask where he went or what he was doing with his life. Why would they? He was a disappointment to them anyway.
When people hadn’t seen him for a few weeks they asked his parents what had happened to him. They replied: “He’s doing an internship overseas.” The neighbours did not believe the guy’s parents, until their children showed them the social network posts of the boy they deemed a failure, with a prominent politician in Amsterdam. He was clearly happy and succeeding. He had proved all those people who assumed he was a failure, wrong.
The most important thing is to never let your misfortunes limit the chances of fulfilling your dreams. Remember to bring positivity into negativity. Nothing can stop you from being successful. Toddlers learn how to walk by trying their first step, falling, getting up again, and trying again. They fall countless times and cry when they feel pain, but they never give up trying to walk. You were a toddler once, and now you can run, so what is stopping you from becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be?
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