Hey FunDza Fanz!
Do you want to write a short story but don’t know where to start? Then this is your chance to try out writing. Help us finish these stories sent in by our FunDza Fanz Writers. Submit your version of chapter 4 now.
So, read The Black-eyed creature and tell us what happened next…
* All writing must be original work with you name on it
* It must be 500 words or more
* You can only submit one chapter at a time
* Everything will be edited and combined to make the chapter
* Only emailed work will be considered. DO NOT post your story in the comment field
Every Wednesday we will publish the new chapter. All submissions must be in by the Monday. Credit will be given to all those who contribute to each chapter, so make sure you send in your full name with your chapter submission.
REMEMBER: email to writing@fundza.co.za – only submissions made by email will be considered.
Happy writing!