” Mister Adam Chamo?,” a hoarse voice spoke on his phone.

Adma just replied it after having his dinner one night after being exhausted from work,all he wanted was sleep. . He slumped on the bed after dinner. He was just thinking of his life that he had nothing . He was hard-working but hadn’t earned anything even a promotion. It was tiring to him and he buried his head in his hands when the call came in. He didn’t know the number and wanted to ignore it until it kept ringing.

” Yes,it is me,” he replied.

” Can you come to the police station on the 25 November?,” voice asked 

He recognized the voice was a woman but at first he thought it was hoarse and annoying voice like a male’s. He wondered why he must be at a station but he was curious.

” Did I do anything wrong?” he asked and sat upright.

” No! Just be there on the 25,” the voice replied and dropped the call.

” WTF? She doesn’t even tell me which station and what time,”he sighed and threw the phone on bed.

He switch his television on because he was bored. There was news and he decided to watch it.

” We have found the hoodie man and his accomplice . They were arrested today while trying to flee the country,” the news reporter spoke can.

Adam dropped his jaw angry . He was happy inside and worst felt furious and he switched the TV off .

” What do they need me when they have already arrested the hoodie guy?” he slump on his bed and fell in a deep sleep.


On the 25 February was a sunny day. Adam woke up and dressed up in his casual informal wear: jeans and summer printed shirt. He was hesitant to go to the Police Station. His body was tired after realizing how ruthless​ the policeman treated him.

” What harm can they do if I go?” he whispered to himself after taking a deep breath.

He sit on the edge of the sofa and stared blankly on the window. The sun’s ray were reflecting on his plasma TV. He quickly closed the window and curtain because his screen could be damaged . He looked down on the floor and felt his back and armpits sweat. He imagined the roof becoming a furnace of hell.

” It’s so hot…. Aaargh I have already bathed with cold water and dressed up,” he jumped and wore his adidas blue sneakers​.

He grabbed his keys and stormed out. He noticed how busy the street was . People with groceries and other with personal stuff. He recalled it was month end when the street were busy with people shopping. He strolled down the shops and was taken by a new edition of Adidas on the window.

” They should repay me for helping them do their job,” he sighed. 

A bald old man dressed in khaki shirt and pants and he had a long beard noticed Adam was talking to himself and he laughed hysterically. He hit the stick on the ground numerously while his eyes glared at him. Adam noticed and knew he was laughing at him because his eyes darted back and forth , searching for something humorous. 

” What you laughing at?” he said furiously​.

” Oh… So you are crazy. You are the tsotsi that trouble us at night ” the old man stroked him with a stick.

Adam was in shock and wanted to smack him .

” I’m a good citizen. I’m actually a hero,” he sighed and rushed away,angrily.

He didn’t hear the man laughing but felt he left him speechless.


” You have been given a medal for being​ a hero,” he spoke on a microphone.

Adam flattered his eyelashes like a woman taming a lover. He laughed gaily. He wanted to wave his medal and big cheque like a crazy lunatic man. If he would jump with joy his skinny trouser would get torn and he imagined the embarrassment. It was good to be true that he kept pinching himself to come to reality. He felt his stomach flutter and wanted to fly.

There was a crowd of policemen and the minister of policemen was also present. Cameramen were there to record the whole process . Adam was delighted that he was given 10k as a reward from one of the girl’s family.

‘ I wish that old man see me rising igher.He thought I wasn’t a hero…. Yippe I have a medal and 10 k. I will buy the latest edition of Adidas,’ he thought and smiled.

The crowd went in to dig in between snacks and drink after the crowning.
