{Ben was out with friends and Mia was in her room and Kim with her friends in the house}

Linda: So howz the plan going

Kim: All I can say is that it’s going my way Ben believes that the I’m pregnant and him and Mia aren’t in good books

Emihle: That’s all we need [smiling]so how far with the 10k ?

Kim: well I’m still working on it

Linda:act fast cause Nkosi is still on the lookout for us.

Kim: I will. So how far with the passports

Emihle: They all ready what we need is that 10k or else we good as dead.

Kim:we just need 5k more and I live this old thing.

Linda: I had really thought he was better than this but anyways what we need is the money

Kim: yep cheers to us ladies

[ All of them] cheers!!

{ On the other side Mia had been taken a video of them and heard everything they said}