Long time ago when cutlery used to talk to each other. There was a woman who lived with her daughter -Asazi. One day her mother bought her ice cream from the Market. Knife and Spoon were having a chat in the cutlery drawer.
“It’s my turn to eat ice cream today,” excitedly said Knife
“What makes you say that?” asked Spoon.
“Yesterday you ate ice cream all by yourself,” said Knife

“Fork always eats Spaghetti alone and I don’t have a problem with that,” said Spoon

“You don’t have a problem well, I do “yelled Knife.

“knife you know very well that we are not always given the same food,” said Spoon

“But you always get good food, me on the other hand I eat raw onions and raw potatoes,” exclaimed Knife.

“You can’t expect humans to give us the same food we are different, you know, ” said Spoon.

“Yuck, do you know what onions taste like?” said Knife angrily.

Asazi interrupted their chat. She opened a cutlery drawer and took Spoon and Knife. Her mother handed her a bowl of ice cream.She sat down on the chair and ate her ice cream using Spoon. 

Knife was very disappointed and angry.

“Finish up Asazi I want you to help me with the onions” said mother.

Asazi took the knife and chopped the onion. As she was chopping the onion Knife cut her finger. Till today the knife has no peace with humans. They need to be careful when using it.